Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Status or Purpose?

You know how when you read a book, it will sometimes have an asterik next to a word so that you will know to go to the bottom of the page and read an excerpt of sorts?

Well, I know that I said I would go into detail a bit RE: The "Do It" Church. And I will. But I wanted to share something with you first.

I heard somebody say something today that really stuck with me. He said:
"Some people are more concerned with changing their status than discovering their purpose."

That is so true. We are so self focussed. Everything is about us. Me, me, me. It is certainly understandable. I mean, we grew up with ourselves. The entire view of the world is seen through our eyes. Of course it is natural that we are self centered. Sounds awful though, doesn't it?

Fortunately, God already understands all that about us. He did, after all, create us. He gets it. But He doesn't want us to continue in that state. His desire for us, as His adopted children, is to become God-Centered. When we do that, we are taking the first step to a willingness to discover the purpose He has for us.

Problem. Did I say problem? No. More like problems...plural.

In my impatience to be significant and fulfilled in life, I preempt God's purpose for me with a status or station of my own making. Obviously, different things will be important to different people. For example, some peoples status are significantly strengthened in their estimation, by:

* Relationships
* Careers
* Titles
* Money
* Power

* And more...

God wants to do something in us, for us and for others by using us. The question is...will we let Him? What is more important? Our...

Status or Purpose?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Step Into Action...

Uh...if you think going into the community and reaching out to people in need, is easy for me...think again! If it is not difficult to you, I commend you. Alas, I do not fall into that category. Yes...I love people. But loving people and having the courage to turn your love into action can be two different things.

I'm really good at some things. I think I'm best at finding reasons why I can't do something. That's why I told you that I would reach out to people - so that I would have to. I mean, if I tell somebody that I'm going to do something...I will do it.

Here is a list of words that came to my mind - from the time I said I would go out into the community, until I did:

Gargantuan, Herculean, ambitious, arduous, burdensome (Hey, I work 40 hours a week), challenging, crucial, demanding, easier said than done, exacting, formidable, laborious, no picnic, not easy, problematic, emotionally strenuous, of titanic proportion, very trying. Oh, and did I mention how much I dreaded it?

But I did it! At least... I started the process, which is... a start! It wasn't too painful. Remember when I said the first thing to do was to count the places within about a 10 mile radius of where you live? I counted them and wrote them down. It was relatively painless since I used my computer! Good ole Google search engine. Figured I could start there and add more as I see them. So what did I find?

1) One Hospital
2) Three Convalescent Homes
3) Two Tutoring Centers
4) Six Bars
5) Three Elementary Schools
6) One High School
7) One Crisis Pregnancy Center

(No Abortion Clinics within ten miles...but check that out where you live).

Oh, BTW, if you do this...remember to write down the address and phone number. If you're doing it on the computer, just copy and paste...and save the information in a file.

But don't just "file it away". Remember the rest of the acronym?

WAR ... Walk, Ask, Respond.

Tomorrow I will throw some thoughts your way, Re: Walking, Asking and Responding.

But for right now...just count and take note of the addresses and phone numbers.

I would love it if you would join me on my journey by either praying for me - or starting your own journey and sharing it with me and others. I challenge you! Just start out by taking a ...

Step Into Action...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Do Something Church !

We can all be a part of the "Do Something Church". But when we are in it "alone", it's much more difficult. What can we do about that?

The Do Something Church

Friday, January 21, 2011

Here I Go!

For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about...just read the post entitled, Count...Then Prepare for War. War is simply an acronym. It helps me with my poor memory. The message behind it came from a message I heard from Miles McPherson at The Rock Church in San Diego.

We can talk about what we've learned. That's the easy part. But applying it is quite another story, right? Anyway, I've decided to apply this strategy in my life and give you my progress. I'll share with you my personal journey in this area.

If I do something stupid or embarrassing...I'll definitely make sure to include that! Hey, it's potential high entertainment for you! Frankly, I would love to share with you my journey and secretly hope you will be open to doing the same. Regardless, at least I can be accountable to you!

Every Monday I will post my "doings". Eventually, I would like to have a separate tag that you can click to follow me any day of the week. I admit, I haven't learned how to do that yet! I'm still a newbie at this, so bear with me...okay?

So, what am I going to do again?

First thing I'm going to do is count all the places within approximately a 10 mile radius of my home, that are locations where people are probably hurting.

I told you I'd explain things in more detail...and I will...but I have an itch to get started. So...

Here I Go!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Count First...Then Prepare for War!

Say what?! Am I suggesting you prepare for... violence?

No, of course not.

As Christians, most of us have learned all about spiritual warfare. That is, we are familiar with that phrase. But how well do we grasp the continual reality of the spiritual battles that are all around us?

Most Christians - myself included - don't mean to, but there is a tendency in all of us to simply live life and forget about what is going on around us...unless it affects us, that is.

So what can we do about that?

This has actually been gnawing on my subconscious mind for a while now. I say subconscious because in my conscious mind I try my best to avoid anything that might be unpleasant or difficult for me.

Don't worry. I won't throw out the "get out of your comfort zone" card. You, like me, have probably heard that one too many times. Oh. And I won't tell you to take your head out of the sand or anything. Besides...I like ostriches. They have those awesome eyes!

But I will share with you something that I learned! Count First...then Prepare for War!

What do I mean by that? Simple. The first thing you do is... count. Count the places within a 10 mile radius of you that have hurting people in them.

Walk to those places!

Ask them how you can help them.

Respond to them in love.

In my next post, I will tell you what I counted in my area and I will go into more detail. In the meantime...

Start Counting !

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spiritual Contractions!

Believe it or not, there is a point to this post. Hang with me.

A while ago, I was with someone who was going to give birth to a baby. As her labor progressed she was eventually dilated at a nine. Things were looking good for our heroine, but then both the intensity as well as the frequency of the contractions continued to lessen until eventually everything stopped.

But what happened? Why did the contractions stop? Is this unusual?

Well, if you are a doctor or nurse you may very well tell me that that is not uncommon.

Great. Now what? Well, in this instance, another woman who was accustomed to "taking the bull by the horn" began to coach the pregnant woman and told her to "push" at regular intervals...until the contractions returned. And they did return.

A healthy baby boy was born and two beaming parents happily welcomed a new life into this world.

Why did I tell you this story? Because it relates to us. You see, when we became Christians, many of us were sharing Christ right and left. We shared our faith at increasingly regular intervals as we allowed the Holy Spirit to work freely. Witnessing to others was a labor of love that could be likened to contractions that result in a new life being born into this world.

But then...when a bit of time goes by - perhaps when we are at a nine - something happens and we just...stop. Perhaps we begin by slowing down...but eventually we came to a standstill.

Does this sound familiar?

Tomorrow I will share with you:

Four things that can give us a jump start.
Four things that are actually "do-able".
Four things that can reactivate our...

Spiritual Contractions!

Monday, January 17, 2011

You Know Who You Are!

Whether you came to know Christ when you were younger or older, you have undoubtedly been challenged to share your faith with others. But, for many of us, that challenge takes the form of words that go through one ear and out the other! Or, like me, you might have shared on occasion, but you are embarrassed to admit that it most certainly hasn't resulted in a lifestyle change that takes advantage of countless situations where you neglected to even mention Jesus's name! But, if you...

1) Have invested the time to tell others about Christ
2) Have chosen to share your Christian faith with whoever reads your blogs
3) Or, you want to...

Then this message is one I hope you'll respond to!

Most of you have found a good church home, others are still looking...but I'm guessing that all of us are in agreement that the church today, in general, tends to focus on making us feel good or "feeding us." There is nothing wrong with that, unless that is all it does! Don't get me wrong, I've been walking with the Lord for 34 years and am a very strong supporter of the importance of gathering together. Hebrews 10:25 reminds us to refrain from "forsaking the assembling of ourselves together..."

But what was once a movement of God...has become a mere location, to many people. I am assuming that most of you understand that, because His Spirit lives in you, His Church is wherever you are. People that don't know Christ are generally the ones who assume the church is simply a location.

The problem, as I see it, is that we unwittingly take on the worlds view of the church, in the sense that we tend to compartmentalize it. I know I do. I don't mean to and I don't want to...but, it happens. "Gotta go to church, this Sunday", "Wasn't church awesome today?" or "I hope nobody caught me falling asleep in church today" are some examples of things we here or say to ourselves quite frequently. Sound familiar?

It's time to break free from that thinking. Time to be a church that is a verb instead of a noun! I'm calling on you right now, to share with other people both in person and via your blogs, what I have been hearing a handful of Christian pastors talking about.

Click on the link, below, to hear a message that is gripping and inspirational. I will spend the next few posts, "re-capping" for anyone that didn't get a chance to listen.

The Do Something Church

You want to be who God wants you to be, but you just don't think about it...or you let the thought "I'm no Billy Graham!" prevent you from doing what, in your heart of hearts, you have been told you should do...but it just doesn't come natural to you. Believe me, there are a lot of us that fall into that category! Keep following this blog. Go ahead and listen to the message in the link above. I challenge you!

You Know Who You Are!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Holy Spirit in Action!

Yesterday, I told you I had something up my sleeve.  Well...it's still there, but I want to preface what I'm excited to share with you - with something else, first.  You see, what I am about to share had a huge impact on me because of something that happened to me when I was in jail.

What?!*#  Did she say she was in jail?!   Yes, well, I wasn't going to tell you that little detail since I figured it might freak some people out and I could loose credibility in some peoples eyes.  Suffice it to say...it was definitely not a typical experience for me.  Matter of fact, my major in college was Criminal Justice.  My goal was to be a police officer.  Never in a million years would I have pictured myself in jail.  Long story short...  I was actively involved in pro-life work, got involved with Christians in Operation Rescue,  it wasn't appreciated and I found myself eventually sharing a jail cell with one female criminal and a toilet.

I was grateful for the toilet - but more than a little disappointed to discover that my new "room mate" and I didn't speak the same language. There went all my visions of grandeur!  I mean, I had imagined myself to be a female version of the apostle Paul!  I was, after all, standing up for the rights of the unborn! The God-given right to life!   Unfortunately, the language barrier put a major damper on things.  My bubble burst and I finished my time there  considerably more humble than when I entered.

Two days before I got out, I decided...with great reluctance... to go to the "prison chapel".  I was not a happy camper as a guard escorted my lone self to the proper location.  Feeling dejected and foolish, I walked into the designated room for the bible to be studied and was met by the female chaplain.

Guess what?

She recognized me!  The bizarre thing is that she had never seen me before, nor had I ever seen or even heard of her.  But she knew I was a Christian!  When I walked in she came up to me with a twinkle in her eye that partnered with a warm and compassionate smile as she welcomed me with the words, "You're with Operation Rescue, aren't you?"

My jaw dropped and I was speechless for a few seconds.  Finally, I asked her how she knew who I was?

"Oh," she matter-of- factly stated, " every week for the past year, as the bus brings Christians from Operation Rescue to the prison, the Spirit over this entire place becomes noticeably stronger. The bible studies increase in quantity as well as quality!"

I  have no idea what that bible study was about.  All I could think of then and what continues to impact me to this day - almost 25 years later - was the miraculous power and presence of the Holy Spirit. I was witnessing...

The Holy Spirit in Action!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What's Up My Sleeve?!

Where did that expression come from, anyway?  If anybody knows, feel free to share.  Then again, I could just look it up on Google.  Everybody knows that Google Know All.  Okay, I may be sounding a little sarcastic...but I can find out a lot on that little ole search engine!

Anyway...what is up my sleeve?  Alas, I must go to work...an event that prevents me from immediately sharing with you what I am very excited about.  But I must give you a hint.  Two purposes will be served.  

1)  It will be fun.  (And we all understand the importance of that three letter word).
2)  It will help me to be accountable.

You see, what I am excited about and am looking forward to sharing with you has to do with making an impact in this world - in your world as well - that is life changing!

Oops!  Looked at the evil clock!  Gotta go!

Until next time!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Matter of Heart...

You always wanted to know what you would be like when you grew up. Of course, when you were a teenager you thought anyone out of high school was grown up. Then you got to college and realized that an adult was 30 years old and a middle aged person was 35. Yep! That was my firm belief, anyway. Alas, when I reached that age I quickly changed my tune and sang in a different key!

My first strong clue that I was off-base was when I hit the mid-thirties without experiencing a mid life crisis. You see, as I matured I realized that middle age doesn't set in until you are 40! Yes, my knowledge of people was certainly abounding! So, I adjusted my thinking cap and waited. Time passed and passed and passed until one day I looked in the mirror and to my horror I saw the reflection of a womans face with two problems that do not belong together!

Yes, I had both wrinkles and pimples! How can this be!?! Must I yet again re-evaluate the life of a human being? Or perhaps I had ascertained life correctly - but I simply wasn't normal? I have to admit that that thought had some merit. Over the years I noticed that other people my age were getting older...but I wasn't. How could that be? Wait a second...my daughters are normal and they are getting older.

I, therefore, decided that getting older was perfectly fine...it was the getting old part that didn't thrill me.

One day, with much consternation over the age issue, I spewed verbal vomit all over my husband as I bemoaned the condition of man - vs- age.

"I don't want to get old!" I cried.

"Don't worry" said my husband. He picked up a book and turned it over to the picture on the back cover. "Look at this picture of Chuck Smith...he's still riding a motorcycle in his 60's."

You could see the immediate look of relief that washed over my face. It was true. Chuck Smith was a man I very much admired then and continue to admire today. And there he was...on a motorcycle with a big grin on his face! My heartfelt thanks to you, Chuck! When I looked at your smiling face, I realized that the issue of age encompassed more than mere numbers. It was and continues to be...

A Matter of Heart.