Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Could you spare a little change?

No, I'm not referring to our illustrious president...as much as he likes to talk about change. No. I'm talking about us. You and me. The other day I was reading yet another book, The Noticer by Andy Andrews. One of the questions he asks is very interesting - or disconcerting. Depends on the answer I suppose. The question is:
"If someone, other than yourself, could change something about you, what would it be?"

Great question. Potentially scary answer. Think about it, though. If other people were to desire you to change in a particular area, what would it be?

In general, I like myself. But admittedly, I have to admit that other people who know me well would probably say they wish I didn't get depressed so easily. (Uh,hello, I wish that as well). It can be very discouraging to be around a person who isn't always a happy camper. So, do we just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and - voila - change?

Is it wrong for me to want or expect some areas in my life to change? You may think that question is a no brainer - but many people hold different views on that very topic.

What do you think?


redshift said...

As I read through this, the first thing that came to my mind was C.S. Lewis's `Voyage of the Dawn Treader', and in particular, when Eustace, as a dragon, is trying to wash off his own scales and failing. Then Aslan takes over and removes the scales, but only by cutting deep, and it hurt.

How many times have we all tried to purge ourselves of something offensive to God, and failed. Let's face it, only God can remove the layers of sin that keep us from conformity to His image. And as He removes layers, sometimes it hurts.

Unknown said...

I would like to say... that's an interesting thought. :) I would fully expect things to change as we mature and as circumstances change around us.

Unknown said...

Doesn't it seem like the most change we have (referring to money) is in the form of pennies?
Small change. Lots of small change. Hmmm...