Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fire Escape or Escape Artist?

Hey there! I've got a question for you. What do the things in the following three paragraphs have in common?

T.V. Movies, video games, serfing the net, games, sports (watching or participating) The list is endless.

Reading: You might pick up a book at the library. Purchase a good fiction or non-fiction at your favorite bookstore. Order it online on Amazon. Read online. Listen to an audio book.
Perhaps you are reading because it's required for your education. You might "bury your nose in work, reading, school" etc.

Miscellaneous Fun Activities: Shopping, Manicures/Pedicures, Arcades...

ANSWER: (Read backwards)
escape. of forms be all can They

Are any of the things I mentioned, wrong? Of course not. Not in and of themselves. But when we do anything for the sole purpose of escaping pain, then we have simply done one of two things. We have either created our own personalized fire escape...or become an escape artist.

But I'm learning to distinguish the difference between having fun and using fun as a means to escape. That's the question we all need to ask ourselves. It is sure helping me. When I realize I'm only doing something because I want to escape pain...then it gnaws on me until I deal with things head on. You might be good at confronting situations and dealing with it. If not, perhaps...like me, you need to ask yourself the question..."Am I doing this particular thing and using it as a...

Fire Escape or Escape Artist?

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