Monday, February 14, 2011

We Can Do It !

I loved learning and sharing with you, what it means to be a "Do It Church"...instead of just going to church. We learned some practical examples of how we can identify and reach out to those around us.

Obviously, as with anything, the motive behind what we do is always something we need to check. I encourage people to be a part of the "Do It Church".

But what if you, realistically, are simply not in a position to "do" anything outside of your normal schedule? If you are like many people, your life is already so crammed you feel like you're on overload! You would love to do things for people outside of your hectic schedule. For that matter, you would like to do almost anything outside of the same old rat race that threatens to consume you!

We are all in different places in our lives...and that's okay. It's better than okay. It's excellent!

It is sooooo easy, as human beings, to do things with the wrong motive. We mean well...and God, thankfully, knows it. It's just that, more often than we would like, we "compartmentalize" God.

Even though there is no way God will ever fit into a box, we try to cram Him in anyway!

There is certainly nothing wrong with going to Church, Bible study, Prayer meetings, etc. But it is so very easy for us to take God with us to those locations and leave Him there.

The good news is that just because it is easy to fall into that trap...doesn't mean we have to stay there! We can be bold for Christ right now! Hey, we should be that way anyway! At home, on the job, when we are at the store or doing errands.

So if you are bemoaning the fact that you can't do anything, stop and re-adjust your thinking!
You are exactly where God wants you! He can work in you and through you right every circumstance you find yourself in. That's exciting!

Ask yourself:

Who is the boldest Christian you know?

Why is it easier to practice "safe" Christianity?

Do you find there are times when it is just easier to say nothing at all?

Are there any situations where you could be bolder in taking advantage of existing opportunities?

In what situations could you be bolder in creating new opportunities?

This is a message I put on the "Sunday View" post...but it's worth repeating. Watch it when you have some time. Click on the "Big and Bold" link, just below. It will be time well spent!

Big and Bold

We Can Do It!


Sharon said...

For one thing, I think it's easier to practice "safe" Christianity because it's becoming increasingly more unpopular to stand up for our faith. We get accused of being narrow-minded, and unfair, exclusive, and discriminating, etc. Persecution is on the rise for those who stand for God's ABSOLUTE truth.

That's no excuse for playing it safe - NO SIR!

I think it's all the more reason to be bold, stand tall, and speak out!!


Pamela said...

It's a blessing to read that God can use me where I am--busy or not. Bold for Christ!

Unknown said...

It is interesting that we will always do what we really want to do. Yesterday my back went out on me and I got so depressed because I finally had a little time to do some chores that required LIFTING, of all things. But instead my back was killing me. I took a nap, then got up and did the work anyway! I got so much done yesterday. I thanked God and suddenly a little (soundless) voice inside me said, "what about Me? Will you go the extra mile for Me and My purposes?" So many times we view our distractions or problems as evidence that we should quit rather than as obstacles to overcome--or we simply don't care enough about what Jesus cares about to allow ourselves to be inconvenienced.