Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Your I.T. Expert ...

Aha! You thought I was referring to I.T. - as in "Information Technology". (Oh, so that's what I.T. stands for)!

No. I'm actually referring to something much closer to you. Ingrown Toenails!

Now why in the world would I want to talk about Ingrown Toenails? I'll tell you. But first:

Did you know that if you trim your toenails too short, particularly on the sides of your big toes, you may set the stage for an ingrown toenail? That's right!

And did you know that the most common cause for "I.T." is tight shoe wear or improper grooming or trimming of the nail?

Yep. I'll bet you're really glad I enlightened you on that most fascinating subject!

So. "Now", you ask, "what is she getting at"? Ahhh...you know me well!

How do I say this so that it doesn't come out wrong? I am, after all, quite adept at putting my foot in my mouth!

Well, I guess all I want to say is that too many times, the only people we really interact with are our fellow Christians.

Don't get me wrong. I love fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ!

But I know it is easy to get an "Ingrown Toenail" -spiritually and emotionally speaking - when we are so tight in our relationships with each other, that we don't leave room for the rest of the world!

Tight shoes, if you remember, was one of the precursors to Ingrown Toenails.

Tomorrow, I will attempt to further enlighten you as to the second reason for I.T. After all, I am...

Your I.T. Expert...


Clint said...

Nice post!---check out my blog from 9-23-10. You make me laugh.

Sharon said...

Shay - You crack me up! I love your lesson - don't be so tight that we leave no room for unbelievers. We are called to go "out" into the world - after all, that's the only place we can be salt and light!

GOD BLESS - and no more I.T.'s!!