Thursday, March 24, 2011

Christian Merry Go Round!

We live in a world of darkness, but the darkness seems to be increasing.

My strong suggestion?

Don't focus on the darkness, live in the Light!

Easy words. Don't you wish it was as easy to live them as it is to say them? The amazing thing is that if we actually applied God's word, if we truly believed in His goodness, if we embraced His promises because we trusted Him fully and would be easy to live those easy words.

That's a lot of if's.

So how do we turn those "ifs" into do-able reality?

I've got good news and I've got bad news.

The bad news?

We can't do anything.

If you are honest, you'll recognize this truth. You'll know it because you've experienced it. "Been there, done that." I know there have been countless cycles that I have gone through. They usually go something like this:

I eventually recognize I have a problem.
I go to God in prayer and with all my heart tell Him how sorry I am.
I really mean it.
I tell Him I'm not going to "do that" again.
I resist the devil, pull myself up by my ever-loving bootstraps.
I apply God's promises.

For a while, it works.
For a while, I feel like I have overcome the problem.
For a while.


It comes back.

Sound familiar?

Sounds like a Christian Merry-Go-Round! I know I am tempted to say, after who knows how many "revolutions" (revelations?) ... Stop! I want to get off!

Do you know how many Christians eventually do stop?

A lot.


Because "living in the Light" isn't as easy as we thought. Matter of fact, we notice that we are not the only ones having a hard time. Look at all the hypocrites in the churches!

It's embarrassing. We certainly don't want to be associated with them!

People begin looking for reasons to get off the Christian Merry Go Round. And we are a crafty people.

Crafty, impatient, judgmental, unwilling and undisciplined...people.

That's the bad news.

Fortunately for us, there is also some really good news!

Take your focus off of the things you are doing wrong.

"But, but", you say... "it's wrong!"

I know. And neither you or I will ever be able to correct our wrongs...

As long as our focus is on the "wrongs" and not on Jesus.

Remember James 4:7? It doesn't just say to resist the devil. The first thing is says is to submit to God.


Because we can't resist the devil. Something that is easy to forget is the fact that when we do "wrong" things or even think "wrong" things...those things are not of God. They are either from Satan or they are inspired by him. Try as we might, we are not strong enough to permanently resist evil.

When we refrain from focusing on the darkness and instead submit to God, then yes, living in the Light will be as easy as breathing.

If we submit to God first, keeping our focus on Him and not on us trying to please Him, then He will empower us to correct those "wrongs". We will no longer desire to get off of the...

Christian Merry Go Round!


Clint said...

It always comes back to that old truth---focus on God and not your "problem". If you focus on your problem, you are actually getting in God's way. Great post!

Sharon said...

I was reminded of Paul's words in Romans 7:14-25. I am consoled that Paul, that great warrior of the Lord, also took some rides on the Christian Merry-Go-Round.

I'm with you - it's time to rely on the only One who deserves our focus - the Author of all Light in our world.


Susan Marlene said...

I like this Shay.If we fill up on God because we focus on him we will not have room for that old sluefoot! I'm really reading up on dog obedience books right now as I wait to adopt our puppy! I've been finding the suggesion of having the dog do something like sit so that you can praise them as soon as they listen to you. I wonder if that will work with us!!! ;)