How can we be in control of things that we aren't in control of?
Okay. That question was just a little bit confusing.
What I meant was, how can we be happy and feel like we are actually contributing to society and the world around us in a meaningful way, when all we are doing is ...
Working. Going to the store. Running errands. You know.
Life Stuff.
Hey, it may not qualify as "important" - but you certainly can't shrug it aside. Let's face it,
like it or not - a lot of things fall into that category.
Remember, in the last post, how we talked about taking the question:
What time is it?
And asking ourselves, instead:
How should I spend my time?
It was great. But what about...
The boring times?
The empty times?
The running around like a chicken-with-it's-head-cut off times?
What about the times you feel like strangling somebody?
You fill in the blank.
Do words like... frustrated, irritated, stressed out, ticked off, impatient and annoyed - ever describe how you feel when you are just doing something because it had to be done?
You wouldn't go to work if you didn't have to.
You wouldn't go to school if you didn't have to.
You wouldn't go to the store if you didn't have to.
You wouldn't do a lot of things, if you didn't have to!
But you do.
Because you have to!
So what do we do when that happens? Follow through with our thoughts? Uh. I'm thinking that may not always be a good idea...for obvious reasons.
The truth of the matter is, we aren't in control of the world around us - but we can control how we respond to it.
We have an incredible opportunity to actually reflect God's light in this world. To represent Him. We can be an example of His love right here! Right now! In the ...
Check out stand
Walmart (or)
Home Depot
Anywhere where there are people.
Doesn't the Bible say something about...
Working as unto the Lord?
Loving your neighbor?
Loving your enemy?
Of course it does. That and so much more! Excuse me, but if we as Christians, actually applied God's teachings in our everyday lives instead of compartmentalizing our faith and turning it into an exclusive Sunday club, we would be so much more appealing to society - don't you think?
Please don't misunderstand me. Their are many incredible people who love the Lord and are amazing witnesses of His love - but if we step up to the plate, we can increase the number of people who fall into that category... not only that - we will be so much happier!
"Oh great", you may be thinking to yourself. This article is for Christians. I'm not a Christian.
No. These principals apply to everyone. As a Christian, I believe God gives me the power to more easily love people who are difficult to love - if I am choosing to walk in His Spirit - but if that is not where you are at, it's not where you are at. The principals are still true.
When I ask myself how to spend my time it's like setting the "reset" button. Almost every time, my perspective changes. It's absolutely amazing how our thoughts can affect our thinking which affects our emotions and ... voila ... suddenly the things we have to do are not as pressuring as they were a couple of minutes earlier.
Our actions become guided by a deliberate thought process of our making - instead of us feeling controlled by the tyranny of the urgent.
Every time you think about how you are doing, whatever it is that you are have deliberately chosen to:
Hit the Reset Button !
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Making Love . . . A Verb.
Is this a Mothers Day article? Well, yes and no. It's not specifically meant for Mothers Day ... but you know what? If you were to sit down and watch this video with your wife, it could be the best Mothers Day gift you could give her. (Munching on her favorite chocolates or desert, while watching the video, would be a great add on).
It's easy to give a gift, but chances are good that what your wife really your time.
Sit down together and watch this video.
It's never been easier to fall in love and never been harder to stay in love. Is it even possible for two people to be happy together forever? Yes. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus gave us the foundation for enduring love. In this message, Andy Stanley reveals the simple, yet powerful, principle.
Staying in Love
It's easy to give a gift, but chances are good that what your wife really your time.
Sit down together and watch this video.
It's never been easier to fall in love and never been harder to stay in love. Is it even possible for two people to be happy together forever? Yes. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus gave us the foundation for enduring love. In this message, Andy Stanley reveals the simple, yet powerful, principle.
Staying in Love
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Time For A . . . Time Budget.
We are probably all very familiar with the importance of a financial budget. I'm not saying we all have one - but we are at least familiar with the concept.
A little while ago, the subject of time came up. And, of course, I think one of peoples' most often asked questions is:
What time is it?
That question is characteristic of a society that is obsessed with the clock. We are fast paced, driven and uptight.
As comedian, Brian Regan says:
How long does it take to toast a pop tart? A minute? If you want them dark? But people need something even faster, so they go for the microwave method. Listen, if you need to zap fry your pop tarts before you go out the may need to loosen up your schedule.
Fear not, people, it's just a joke. I personally like pop tarts. That's not the point. I have simply noticed that instead of controlling time, we tend to let time control us.
Hey, if you need to know the time - you need to know the time. I'm not suggesting you hit the delete button on that question. But I would suggest that you ask yourself something else.
more important
more useful
and subsequently
more meaningful!
The question I am referring to actually has two angles to it. Right now, however, I just want to focus on the first facet:
1) How should I spend my time?
If your days are driving you crazy with their constant pulls on your time and you are forever looking at your watch...
Or if you are always asking somebody else what time it is so that you can meet the demands of this life in a "timely fashion"...
Maybe you should ask yourself what types of things are included in your busy schedule?
In other words, How do you spend your time?
Are you spending it on something that is important or is it just another project, task or endeavor that must be completed?
I am not saying those things don't need to be taken care of - it just doesn't automatically mean it is an important activity.
Urgent. Yes.
Important. Not necessarily.
Lots of things are "must do's". How about going to work? But, chances are, it's just a means to an end.
It is good to identify what is really important.
Our husbands.
Our wives.
Our kids.
Those things tend to get neglected - yet when you get to the end of your life, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that -in this world- those were the very things you will have wished you spent more time on.
So, today...right now...we can look at our schedules and ask ourselves...
Is it time to refocus and readjust my time?
A Financial Budget is good, but I'm thinking it's...
Time for a ...Time Budget!
A little while ago, the subject of time came up. And, of course, I think one of peoples' most often asked questions is:
What time is it?
That question is characteristic of a society that is obsessed with the clock. We are fast paced, driven and uptight.
As comedian, Brian Regan says:
How long does it take to toast a pop tart? A minute? If you want them dark? But people need something even faster, so they go for the microwave method. Listen, if you need to zap fry your pop tarts before you go out the may need to loosen up your schedule.
Fear not, people, it's just a joke. I personally like pop tarts. That's not the point. I have simply noticed that instead of controlling time, we tend to let time control us.
Hey, if you need to know the time - you need to know the time. I'm not suggesting you hit the delete button on that question. But I would suggest that you ask yourself something else.
more important
more useful
and subsequently
more meaningful!
The question I am referring to actually has two angles to it. Right now, however, I just want to focus on the first facet:
1) How should I spend my time?
If your days are driving you crazy with their constant pulls on your time and you are forever looking at your watch...
Or if you are always asking somebody else what time it is so that you can meet the demands of this life in a "timely fashion"...
Maybe you should ask yourself what types of things are included in your busy schedule?
In other words, How do you spend your time?
Are you spending it on something that is important or is it just another project, task or endeavor that must be completed?
I am not saying those things don't need to be taken care of - it just doesn't automatically mean it is an important activity.
Urgent. Yes.
Important. Not necessarily.
Lots of things are "must do's". How about going to work? But, chances are, it's just a means to an end.
It is good to identify what is really important.
Our husbands.
Our wives.
Our kids.
Those things tend to get neglected - yet when you get to the end of your life, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that -in this world- those were the very things you will have wished you spent more time on.
So, today...right now...we can look at our schedules and ask ourselves...
Is it time to refocus and readjust my time?
A Financial Budget is good, but I'm thinking it's...
Time for a ...Time Budget!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
An Eternity of . . . Combined Experience !
You know how when you are a teenager, everything is about you? Yes, there are always exceptions and I don't mean to put anybody down...but it's true that when people are younger they tend to feel like life revolves around them. Perfectly understandable. As a matter of fact, I don't think the idea that we are the center of the universe is limited to teenagers.
But it is true that as people get older and mature, they eventually come to the realization that they are not alone in the universe. They begin to reach out to others for support. How many times, for example, have you seen businesses advertise the fact that they have X amount of years of combined experience?
Why do they do that? The answer is obvious. The longer an establishment has been around, the more experience they have, the more likely it is that people will want to do business with them.
Many times, industries will focus on the combined experience of all their partners as opposed to focusing solely on one person or business.
That is an example of people recognizing that their time and experience, when combined with other people, is much more valuable.
All that to make this comment:
When you travel this life alone, though you are doing the best you can with what you have, you can only do so much. Wouldn't it be wise to cast your lot with God? When we work with Him, our time is so much more significant. He increases our value and worth. Life has meaning again. True meaning. Whenever things look bleak or uncertain... we have the ability to go to Him.
Think about it. We are talking about...
An Eternity . . . of Combined Experience!
But it is true that as people get older and mature, they eventually come to the realization that they are not alone in the universe. They begin to reach out to others for support. How many times, for example, have you seen businesses advertise the fact that they have X amount of years of combined experience?
Why do they do that? The answer is obvious. The longer an establishment has been around, the more experience they have, the more likely it is that people will want to do business with them.
Many times, industries will focus on the combined experience of all their partners as opposed to focusing solely on one person or business.
That is an example of people recognizing that their time and experience, when combined with other people, is much more valuable.
All that to make this comment:
When you travel this life alone, though you are doing the best you can with what you have, you can only do so much. Wouldn't it be wise to cast your lot with God? When we work with Him, our time is so much more significant. He increases our value and worth. Life has meaning again. True meaning. Whenever things look bleak or uncertain... we have the ability to go to Him.
Think about it. We are talking about...
An Eternity . . . of Combined Experience!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Healthy People Don't Need A Doctor...
You know what I like about Jesus? He really liked people who were nothing like Him. As a matter of fact, the "religious" people of the day were the people Jesus tended to actually avoid. What did He call them... a brood of vipers? We don't hear that terminology today - but it was strong language at that time.
Why do you suppose that was? Do you honestly think He thinks differently today?
Jesus is God in the flesh. He came to the earth in human form so that He could relate to us. He wanted to communicate with us. Yes, He loves all people, but...
Let me ask you a question. Do you find it easy to talk to people who are know it alls? Are arrogant, prideful people eager to hear anything you have to say?
No. If they deign to speak to you at all it is usually in the context of them imparting some type of information.
I'm not trying to say that some people are better than others and I'm sure Jesus doesn't feel that way at all. He died for the sins of the world - not a few select favorites.
Jesus wants to communicate with us. He, however, recognizes that we are all in different places in our life. There are times that we will listen and times we won't. When we are in our prime, feeling good about ourselves and our ability to work in the world around us, we tend to be unable to see beyond ourselves. Why should we? The world we have established around us is just fine, thank you very much.
But when that world starts to fall apart - and it always eventually does - God begins to look pretty good. What worked in the past, well, isn't working any more. We get sick inside.
Problem is, we've always been sick. We just didn't know it. Reminds me of cancer. In the earliest stage it isn't even detected. When a person is in stage 1, 2 and sometimes even stage 3 they do whatever they can do. Diet becomes more important. We may go to the medical community for help. Perhaps chemotherapy and radiation will be paths we choose to take. But at some point in time when things go from bad to worse...people finally look to God.
Why wait that long?
One reason is because it isn't until then that they recognize that the sickness that threatens to kill them is more than they can handle.
Remember the religious people of Jesus's day - the Pharisee's? They were always complaining about Jesus. Sure, He healed people...but he also had the audacity to ask Matthew - a tax collector - to follow Him. Hey, tax collectors were considered to be such bad people that they were a category all to themselves. There were the sinners...and the tax collectors.
Of course, the scribes and Pharisees didn't approve of Jesus having anything to do with "those people". In Luke 5:27-31 it says:
Later, as Jesus left the town, he saw a tax collector named Levi (we know him as Matthew) sitting at his tax collector's booth. "Follow me and be my disciple," Jesus said to him.
So Levi got up, left everything, and followed him.
Later, Levi held a banquet in his home with Jesus as the guest of honor. Many of Levi's fellow tax collectors and other guests also ate with them.
But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus' disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with such scum? [fn]"
Jesus answered them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do."
Why do you suppose that was? Do you honestly think He thinks differently today?
Jesus is God in the flesh. He came to the earth in human form so that He could relate to us. He wanted to communicate with us. Yes, He loves all people, but...
Let me ask you a question. Do you find it easy to talk to people who are know it alls? Are arrogant, prideful people eager to hear anything you have to say?
No. If they deign to speak to you at all it is usually in the context of them imparting some type of information.
I'm not trying to say that some people are better than others and I'm sure Jesus doesn't feel that way at all. He died for the sins of the world - not a few select favorites.
Jesus wants to communicate with us. He, however, recognizes that we are all in different places in our life. There are times that we will listen and times we won't. When we are in our prime, feeling good about ourselves and our ability to work in the world around us, we tend to be unable to see beyond ourselves. Why should we? The world we have established around us is just fine, thank you very much.
But when that world starts to fall apart - and it always eventually does - God begins to look pretty good. What worked in the past, well, isn't working any more. We get sick inside.
Problem is, we've always been sick. We just didn't know it. Reminds me of cancer. In the earliest stage it isn't even detected. When a person is in stage 1, 2 and sometimes even stage 3 they do whatever they can do. Diet becomes more important. We may go to the medical community for help. Perhaps chemotherapy and radiation will be paths we choose to take. But at some point in time when things go from bad to worse...people finally look to God.
Why wait that long?
One reason is because it isn't until then that they recognize that the sickness that threatens to kill them is more than they can handle.
Remember the religious people of Jesus's day - the Pharisee's? They were always complaining about Jesus. Sure, He healed people...but he also had the audacity to ask Matthew - a tax collector - to follow Him. Hey, tax collectors were considered to be such bad people that they were a category all to themselves. There were the sinners...and the tax collectors.
Of course, the scribes and Pharisees didn't approve of Jesus having anything to do with "those people". In Luke 5:27-31 it says:
Later, as Jesus left the town, he saw a tax collector named Levi (we know him as Matthew) sitting at his tax collector's booth. "Follow me and be my disciple," Jesus said to him.
So Levi got up, left everything, and followed him.
Later, Levi held a banquet in his home with Jesus as the guest of honor. Many of Levi's fellow tax collectors and other guests also ate with them.
But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus' disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with such scum? [fn]"
Jesus answered them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do."
Friday, April 8, 2011
Out of the Mouth of Babes...
For the last two or three weeks I have been feeling exhausted. I've not only felt physically drained, but also emotionally spent and spiritually burned out. When that happens I can't even think straight.
Trying to blog becomes next to impossible at times like that.
For that matter, doing anything that requires a creative mind turns into a gargantuan effort that is so daunting, the very thought of attempting it is overwhelming.
I highly doubt I am the only one who has experienced burnout, fatigue or weariness to the degree that I want to stop the world and get off!
Ever been there?
I thought so.
I couple of weeks ago, I listened to a message by a man named Jeff Henderson that was incredibly encouraging. He was talking about the importance of rest and yet contended that most of us, though we may acknowledge that reality in our heads...don't really take it to heart. Not enough to actually do something about it.
I think that is because we don't really understand the value of rest. Not really...or we would take it seriously. We tend to think of rest as a privilege - not a necessity.
Hey, let me tell you something that I heard. It was so interesting.
A couple of studies were given a while ago. One group of people consisted of parents who were each asked to answer the same question. The other group was comprised of kids who responded to the same question that the parents were give.
The question?
What would your kids most want from you if they could be granted one wish?
Know what the parents thought the answer would be?
Most of them thought their kids would want them to spend more time with them. You know the old quality time -vs- quantity time issue that we adults have been arguing about for years now?
Nope, that wasn't it.
You know what the wish was that was held by the vast majority of kids?
They wished their parents weren't so tired and stressed out all the time!
Wow. We think we are so smart. True, we have had many experiences and learned various skills that have propelled us forward.
But, as the medical community has been saying for years and years ... we need our rest. They have espoused the importance of "eight hours of sleep a night". But for some reason, it takes a child to open our eyes to the importance of that reality.
A child's perspective is not hindered by the experiences of life that can distract us.
Out of the mouth of babes...
Trying to blog becomes next to impossible at times like that.
For that matter, doing anything that requires a creative mind turns into a gargantuan effort that is so daunting, the very thought of attempting it is overwhelming.
I highly doubt I am the only one who has experienced burnout, fatigue or weariness to the degree that I want to stop the world and get off!
Ever been there?
I thought so.
I couple of weeks ago, I listened to a message by a man named Jeff Henderson that was incredibly encouraging. He was talking about the importance of rest and yet contended that most of us, though we may acknowledge that reality in our heads...don't really take it to heart. Not enough to actually do something about it.
I think that is because we don't really understand the value of rest. Not really...or we would take it seriously. We tend to think of rest as a privilege - not a necessity.
Hey, let me tell you something that I heard. It was so interesting.
A couple of studies were given a while ago. One group of people consisted of parents who were each asked to answer the same question. The other group was comprised of kids who responded to the same question that the parents were give.
The question?
What would your kids most want from you if they could be granted one wish?
Know what the parents thought the answer would be?
Most of them thought their kids would want them to spend more time with them. You know the old quality time -vs- quantity time issue that we adults have been arguing about for years now?
Nope, that wasn't it.
You know what the wish was that was held by the vast majority of kids?
They wished their parents weren't so tired and stressed out all the time!
Wow. We think we are so smart. True, we have had many experiences and learned various skills that have propelled us forward.
But, as the medical community has been saying for years and years ... we need our rest. They have espoused the importance of "eight hours of sleep a night". But for some reason, it takes a child to open our eyes to the importance of that reality.
A child's perspective is not hindered by the experiences of life that can distract us.
Out of the mouth of babes...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Christian Merry Go Round!
We live in a world of darkness, but the darkness seems to be increasing.
My strong suggestion?
Don't focus on the darkness, live in the Light!
Easy words. Don't you wish it was as easy to live them as it is to say them? The amazing thing is that if we actually applied God's word, if we truly believed in His goodness, if we embraced His promises because we trusted Him fully and would be easy to live those easy words.
That's a lot of if's.
So how do we turn those "ifs" into do-able reality?
I've got good news and I've got bad news.
The bad news?
We can't do anything.
If you are honest, you'll recognize this truth. You'll know it because you've experienced it. "Been there, done that." I know there have been countless cycles that I have gone through. They usually go something like this:
I eventually recognize I have a problem.
I go to God in prayer and with all my heart tell Him how sorry I am.
I really mean it.
I tell Him I'm not going to "do that" again.
I resist the devil, pull myself up by my ever-loving bootstraps.
I apply God's promises.
For a while, it works.
For a while, I feel like I have overcome the problem.
For a while.
It comes back.
Sound familiar?
Sounds like a Christian Merry-Go-Round! I know I am tempted to say, after who knows how many "revolutions" (revelations?) ... Stop! I want to get off!
Do you know how many Christians eventually do stop?
A lot.
Because "living in the Light" isn't as easy as we thought. Matter of fact, we notice that we are not the only ones having a hard time. Look at all the hypocrites in the churches!
It's embarrassing. We certainly don't want to be associated with them!
People begin looking for reasons to get off the Christian Merry Go Round. And we are a crafty people.
Crafty, impatient, judgmental, unwilling and undisciplined...people.
That's the bad news.
Fortunately for us, there is also some really good news!
Take your focus off of the things you are doing wrong.
"But, but", you say... "it's wrong!"
I know. And neither you or I will ever be able to correct our wrongs...
As long as our focus is on the "wrongs" and not on Jesus.
Remember James 4:7? It doesn't just say to resist the devil. The first thing is says is to submit to God.
Because we can't resist the devil. Something that is easy to forget is the fact that when we do "wrong" things or even think "wrong" things...those things are not of God. They are either from Satan or they are inspired by him. Try as we might, we are not strong enough to permanently resist evil.
When we refrain from focusing on the darkness and instead submit to God, then yes, living in the Light will be as easy as breathing.
If we submit to God first, keeping our focus on Him and not on us trying to please Him, then He will empower us to correct those "wrongs". We will no longer desire to get off of the...
Christian Merry Go Round!
My strong suggestion?
Don't focus on the darkness, live in the Light!
Easy words. Don't you wish it was as easy to live them as it is to say them? The amazing thing is that if we actually applied God's word, if we truly believed in His goodness, if we embraced His promises because we trusted Him fully and would be easy to live those easy words.
That's a lot of if's.
So how do we turn those "ifs" into do-able reality?
I've got good news and I've got bad news.
The bad news?
We can't do anything.
If you are honest, you'll recognize this truth. You'll know it because you've experienced it. "Been there, done that." I know there have been countless cycles that I have gone through. They usually go something like this:
I eventually recognize I have a problem.
I go to God in prayer and with all my heart tell Him how sorry I am.
I really mean it.
I tell Him I'm not going to "do that" again.
I resist the devil, pull myself up by my ever-loving bootstraps.
I apply God's promises.
For a while, it works.
For a while, I feel like I have overcome the problem.
For a while.
It comes back.
Sound familiar?
Sounds like a Christian Merry-Go-Round! I know I am tempted to say, after who knows how many "revolutions" (revelations?) ... Stop! I want to get off!
Do you know how many Christians eventually do stop?
A lot.
Because "living in the Light" isn't as easy as we thought. Matter of fact, we notice that we are not the only ones having a hard time. Look at all the hypocrites in the churches!
It's embarrassing. We certainly don't want to be associated with them!
People begin looking for reasons to get off the Christian Merry Go Round. And we are a crafty people.
Crafty, impatient, judgmental, unwilling and undisciplined...people.
That's the bad news.
Fortunately for us, there is also some really good news!
Take your focus off of the things you are doing wrong.
"But, but", you say... "it's wrong!"
I know. And neither you or I will ever be able to correct our wrongs...
As long as our focus is on the "wrongs" and not on Jesus.
Remember James 4:7? It doesn't just say to resist the devil. The first thing is says is to submit to God.
Because we can't resist the devil. Something that is easy to forget is the fact that when we do "wrong" things or even think "wrong" things...those things are not of God. They are either from Satan or they are inspired by him. Try as we might, we are not strong enough to permanently resist evil.
When we refrain from focusing on the darkness and instead submit to God, then yes, living in the Light will be as easy as breathing.
If we submit to God first, keeping our focus on Him and not on us trying to please Him, then He will empower us to correct those "wrongs". We will no longer desire to get off of the...
Christian Merry Go Round!
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Sherman Tank of Praise...
What do we do when we look at the world around us and see bizarre activity? I'll be honest with you. I think, when all of our ducks are lined up in a row, it's easy to say "Just go to God in prayer".
We hear that, but when the rubber meets the road, it is often easier said than done.
I hate admitting that, but I know...for's true. I also know that turning to God at all times and putting our trust in Him is really my only intelligent option.
What? But Shay, did you hear about the earthquakes, tsunami's and other severe weather warnings looming on the horizon? Are you up on what's going on with the dollar? You need to stock up on food, emergency supplies, invest in precious metals, make yourself aware of surrounding world events. Don't act like an ostrich who puts its head in the sand when they are overwhelmed.
I understand. I really do. As a matter of fact, I have become so aware of so many things that I do feel like putting my head in the sand as I feel waves of futility coming over me.
I mean, taking stock of potential threats and calmly acting on that information is something I have no problem with. But I look at mine and my husbands situation. We barely make enough money to take care of our normal living expenses which we are very minimal.
I feel like a Christian walking through a minefield.
If you feel overwhelmed as you look at world events, I understand. A period of time passed in which I felt crushed and defeated as I was deluged with information and inundated with advice that, though I appreciated it, was...I realized... more than my little brain could take in. I feel like there is so much to do with not enough time to do it in.
I like the visual image that our pastor gave us last Sunday. He was speaking of the importance of praise and depending on God for everything...even when you feel... especially when you feel... overwhelmed. My ears, naturally, perked up when I heard that.
Thank you Pastor!
What I got from what he said is that instead of seeing ourselves as unprotected people walking through a minefield of potential bombs (or disasters) we need to think of ourselves as a "Christian in a Sherman Tank of Praise...plowing ahead steadily and surely". That is a visual that somebody relayed to the pastor many years ago and it has been very helpful to him.
Well, it's helpful to me as well, to see myself in...
"A Sherman Tank of Praise"
We hear that, but when the rubber meets the road, it is often easier said than done.
I hate admitting that, but I know...for's true. I also know that turning to God at all times and putting our trust in Him is really my only intelligent option.
What? But Shay, did you hear about the earthquakes, tsunami's and other severe weather warnings looming on the horizon? Are you up on what's going on with the dollar? You need to stock up on food, emergency supplies, invest in precious metals, make yourself aware of surrounding world events. Don't act like an ostrich who puts its head in the sand when they are overwhelmed.
I understand. I really do. As a matter of fact, I have become so aware of so many things that I do feel like putting my head in the sand as I feel waves of futility coming over me.
I mean, taking stock of potential threats and calmly acting on that information is something I have no problem with. But I look at mine and my husbands situation. We barely make enough money to take care of our normal living expenses which we are very minimal.
I feel like a Christian walking through a minefield.
If you feel overwhelmed as you look at world events, I understand. A period of time passed in which I felt crushed and defeated as I was deluged with information and inundated with advice that, though I appreciated it, was...I realized... more than my little brain could take in. I feel like there is so much to do with not enough time to do it in.
I like the visual image that our pastor gave us last Sunday. He was speaking of the importance of praise and depending on God for everything...even when you feel... especially when you feel... overwhelmed. My ears, naturally, perked up when I heard that.
Thank you Pastor!
What I got from what he said is that instead of seeing ourselves as unprotected people walking through a minefield of potential bombs (or disasters) we need to think of ourselves as a "Christian in a Sherman Tank of Praise...plowing ahead steadily and surely". That is a visual that somebody relayed to the pastor many years ago and it has been very helpful to him.
Well, it's helpful to me as well, to see myself in...
"A Sherman Tank of Praise"
Friday, March 18, 2011
Access Withheld.
I am so glad you are you. Can you imagine what this world would be like if we were all a bunch of clones? God created us as unique individuals with an enormous variety of giftings and talents.
Not one of us "has it all". That's why we need each other so much.
Unfortunately, part of the population of people are under the misconception that they are unimportant, insignificant or somehow unnecessary. The rest of the populace seems to think they are an island and have chosen, for reasons they can't or don't want to share, to refrain from interacting with the undesirables of this world.
The next generation needs us. They need access to our life experiences. Our successes and our failures.
That may be contrary to our natural tendency to focus on taking care of ourselves and our needs or desires.'s important.
You guys, I have come across so many people that are very different from each other and almost pride themselves in that fact. But honestly, when are we going to stop focusing the majority of our attention on ourselves?
Hey, I have spent way too much focusing on me. I mean, it's important to a degree. Certainly it is understandable.
But we are needed. God wants to use us. He wants to work in us and through us. We make things difficult when we deny people access to ourselves.
Know what else happens when we do that?
We also deny ourselves the ability to grow.
Perhaps certain people simply don't fit into our "comfort zone" we exclude them and deny them access to our very important selves!
It's time to look forward and focus on people outside of us.
Reminds me of driving. When I was learning to drive, I was taught to keep my eyes on the road ahead of me. If I placed too much attention on the car I was sitting in or on off road "sight seeing" I would risk loosing control of my car.
Believe it or not, we loose control of ourselves when our focus is turned inward. In addition to that, we send the clear message to the next generation that says...
Access Withheld.
Not one of us "has it all". That's why we need each other so much.
Unfortunately, part of the population of people are under the misconception that they are unimportant, insignificant or somehow unnecessary. The rest of the populace seems to think they are an island and have chosen, for reasons they can't or don't want to share, to refrain from interacting with the undesirables of this world.
The next generation needs us. They need access to our life experiences. Our successes and our failures.
That may be contrary to our natural tendency to focus on taking care of ourselves and our needs or desires.'s important.
You guys, I have come across so many people that are very different from each other and almost pride themselves in that fact. But honestly, when are we going to stop focusing the majority of our attention on ourselves?
Hey, I have spent way too much focusing on me. I mean, it's important to a degree. Certainly it is understandable.
But we are needed. God wants to use us. He wants to work in us and through us. We make things difficult when we deny people access to ourselves.
Know what else happens when we do that?
We also deny ourselves the ability to grow.
Perhaps certain people simply don't fit into our "comfort zone" we exclude them and deny them access to our very important selves!
It's time to look forward and focus on people outside of us.
Reminds me of driving. When I was learning to drive, I was taught to keep my eyes on the road ahead of me. If I placed too much attention on the car I was sitting in or on off road "sight seeing" I would risk loosing control of my car.
Believe it or not, we loose control of ourselves when our focus is turned inward. In addition to that, we send the clear message to the next generation that says...
Access Withheld.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
"You know something,'re a snob!"
I'm a what?!
Obviously I was more than a little surprised by her blunt statement.
Was she correct in her assessment of me? No. You could have knocked me over with a feather, I was so stunned.
How could she possibly say something like that!?
I spoke with her and discovered she had misinterpreted some actions of mine and made an incorrect assumption based on what she thought was fact. After a short discussion, she acknowledged she had made a mistake and we became friends. End of story.
The point I wanted to make is that many times people - myself included - send the wrong message to others by our actions. Yes, Veronica gave me a message. But I had also given her a message with my body language. It was completely unintentional.
I'm really glad that what happened, however, happened. Why? Because it's a good reminder of just how important our body language is. Sometimes we can be so focused on "things" that must be accomplished, that we don't see the people in the world around us.
What are some things we do that can be easily misinterpreted?
1) Busyness: Have you ever been so caught up in what "needs to be done" that you don't notice anybody around you?
2) Shy? I know. That may be easy for some people, but for others it is excruciatingly difficult to "speak up". But sometimes we have to be willing to work on things that don't come easy to us - and I know that I, for one, am willing to try harder if I think my actions or non-actions could be misconstrued as snobbery.
3) Unwillingness to say no. Lets see. How many of us avoid eye contact with someone because we don't want to be "waylaid" and actually have to say "no" to somebody. Granted, not everybody has that problem...but some people do. For them, saying no is paramount to walking a tightrope across Niagra Falls!
4) Emotional Doldrums: Sometimes I am so consumed with my emotional world that the outside world doesn't seem to exist. Now, I know people have feelings and sorting through those emotions is not fun...but again - it's important to understand that our emotions are not just affecting us. We are potentially hurting others as well. We all need to remember that. If necessary, we should remove ourselves from others for a while if we need to deal with "stuff".
These are a few things that we need to look at - maybe you know more. One thing I know for sure, though, is that if we refuse to look at behaviors that can communicate unwanted messages to others, then we might find ourselves saying...
Me?? A Snob?! Never!!!
I'm a what?!
Obviously I was more than a little surprised by her blunt statement.
Was she correct in her assessment of me? No. You could have knocked me over with a feather, I was so stunned.
How could she possibly say something like that!?
I spoke with her and discovered she had misinterpreted some actions of mine and made an incorrect assumption based on what she thought was fact. After a short discussion, she acknowledged she had made a mistake and we became friends. End of story.
The point I wanted to make is that many times people - myself included - send the wrong message to others by our actions. Yes, Veronica gave me a message. But I had also given her a message with my body language. It was completely unintentional.
I'm really glad that what happened, however, happened. Why? Because it's a good reminder of just how important our body language is. Sometimes we can be so focused on "things" that must be accomplished, that we don't see the people in the world around us.
What are some things we do that can be easily misinterpreted?
1) Busyness: Have you ever been so caught up in what "needs to be done" that you don't notice anybody around you?
2) Shy? I know. That may be easy for some people, but for others it is excruciatingly difficult to "speak up". But sometimes we have to be willing to work on things that don't come easy to us - and I know that I, for one, am willing to try harder if I think my actions or non-actions could be misconstrued as snobbery.
3) Unwillingness to say no. Lets see. How many of us avoid eye contact with someone because we don't want to be "waylaid" and actually have to say "no" to somebody. Granted, not everybody has that problem...but some people do. For them, saying no is paramount to walking a tightrope across Niagra Falls!
4) Emotional Doldrums: Sometimes I am so consumed with my emotional world that the outside world doesn't seem to exist. Now, I know people have feelings and sorting through those emotions is not fun...but again - it's important to understand that our emotions are not just affecting us. We are potentially hurting others as well. We all need to remember that. If necessary, we should remove ourselves from others for a while if we need to deal with "stuff".
These are a few things that we need to look at - maybe you know more. One thing I know for sure, though, is that if we refuse to look at behaviors that can communicate unwanted messages to others, then we might find ourselves saying...
Me?? A Snob?! Never!!!
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