Okay, I realize that two thoughts might be going through your head right now. 1)"True", you say as you chuckle. 2) Is this person trying to say that we shouldn't ever trust anyone? Is that really Christian?
Well, please feel free to jump in and correct me if you think I'm wrong, but a thought struck me the other night that was quite a revelation for me. It may be a no-brainer for you... as a matter of fact, I hope it is. You see, for my whole life I have loved people. Nothing wrong with that, right? Right. But more often than not, I tended to equate love with trust. In my backward thinking, I assumed that if I didn't trust someone then it would be an indication that I didn't really love them either. It hit me like a lightening bolt when I realized that to love people doesn't mean I have to blindly trust them at all times. As a matter of fact, to trust somebody implicitly could be a much larger burden on them than they want to carry.
Nevertheless, it is still a new awareness for me...the fact that I can't necessarily trust people but I can trust God at all times. I guess I really always knew it. I mean, when things started really getting difficult in my life, I did put my trust in God alone. He was the only one I could really depend on. He wasn't and isn't bound by time and trials that can mess with a person's head. People are wonderful and I love them, but they're just like me... they're people who are not always perfect, make mistakes, have regrets, etc. Bottom line - unfortunately, that means they can't always be trusted. But they can always be loved.
So yes, it's true. "In God We Trust ... All Others We Polygraph"
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