Yesterday, when I was talking with my husband about wounds and where they come from, Mike said something that really struck me. "We can choose to be a victim or a victor".
All throughout the night and the next day, those words kept entering my head. Victim or victor? Victim or Victor?
Yes, it's true that the deepest wounds come when we are wounded by the very ones we love. The people we thought we could put our confidence in. Those we trusted. But guess what? If you have ever experienced a wound that was a type of betrayal, know that you are in good company. Let me preface what I am about to say by telling you that in the past several months I have met many, many Christians who were so hurt by their wounds that they receded into a shell and refuse to "come out". If you are one of those people... I want to tell you how sorry I am. I know what it feels like. I really do. It's absolutely devastating beyond any pain that you have known before. I'm also sorry that you won't let anyone have fellowship with you anymore. You will be missed. This may sound harsh, but it is true... you have chosen to be a victim rather that a victor.
When Jesus died, he was wounded and gave up his life for the sake of those He loved - you and I, and He was wounded by those He loved. You and I thought we were alone, didn't we? But we're not. Jesus experienced the worst betrayal any man can know by the very people He loved so dearly. And He knew it was coming.
Because He chose to be a victor, we can live in victory! I say that as if it is an easy thing to do. It isn't. But I had an interesting thought on that very point that I'd love to get your opinion on. Tomorrow. See you then...
When the heat turns up it's hard not to cool down in your relationships with God and others
So true. What do we do about that?
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