Monday, March 21, 2011

A Sherman Tank of Praise...

What do we do when we look at the world around us and see bizarre activity? I'll be honest with you. I think, when all of our ducks are lined up in a row, it's easy to say "Just go to God in prayer".

We hear that, but when the rubber meets the road, it is often easier said than done.

I hate admitting that, but I know...for's true. I also know that turning to God at all times and putting our trust in Him is really my only intelligent option.

What? But Shay, did you hear about the earthquakes, tsunami's and other severe weather warnings looming on the horizon? Are you up on what's going on with the dollar? You need to stock up on food, emergency supplies, invest in precious metals, make yourself aware of surrounding world events. Don't act like an ostrich who puts its head in the sand when they are overwhelmed.

I understand. I really do. As a matter of fact, I have become so aware of so many things that I do feel like putting my head in the sand as I feel waves of futility coming over me.

I mean, taking stock of potential threats and calmly acting on that information is something I have no problem with. But I look at mine and my husbands situation. We barely make enough money to take care of our normal living expenses which we are very minimal.

I feel like a Christian walking through a minefield.

If you feel overwhelmed as you look at world events, I understand. A period of time passed in which I felt crushed and defeated as I was deluged with information and inundated with advice that, though I appreciated it, was...I realized... more than my little brain could take in. I feel like there is so much to do with not enough time to do it in.

I like the visual image that our pastor gave us last Sunday. He was speaking of the importance of praise and depending on God for everything...even when you feel... especially when you feel... overwhelmed. My ears, naturally, perked up when I heard that.

Thank you Pastor!

What I got from what he said is that instead of seeing ourselves as unprotected people walking through a minefield of potential bombs (or disasters) we need to think of ourselves as a "Christian in a Sherman Tank of Praise...plowing ahead steadily and surely". That is a visual that somebody relayed to the pastor many years ago and it has been very helpful to him.

Well, it's helpful to me as well, to see myself in...

"A Sherman Tank of Praise"


Clint said...

Put on "the armor of God" and know that He is in control.

Sharon said...

I loved this image! I'm a Sherman Tank!

I think you've brought up a really good point. It's so easy to feel overwhelmed - just opening up my AOL to read emails inundates me with news stories. But, praising the Lord is all we can do - and trust that He is in control.