Friday, November 5, 2010

Intervention -vs- Interference

This morning I was thinking about God and how He sometimes intervenes...but other times He remains strangely silent.  I say strange, because oftentimes we don't understand why God allows some things but intervenes in other instances.  Have you ever wondered that?  I have.

So I thought and I prayed.  Sometimes I get answers, or at least partial answers.  Other times I get silence.  Today was a "partial answer" day.  I say partial because how can I know all of God's reasonings?  But one thought I had was based on the question... "Why is it that God allowed certain things in cultures throughout time that are abhorrent to us today"?

When I have questions like that, I tell myself  "I may not understand now...for that matter I may not ever understand - but I do know that God is loving, knows all things past and present, lives outside of time, wants our best, and is at the same time a righteous God who hates sin and will not tolerate it."    Only God can have all those attributes and more and somehow work them all together for our good.  That brings us back to the question, "Why does God intervene sometimes and not other times?"


1) God allows things or finds it necessary to intervene if it is what He understands is best.  I emphasize He Like it or not, God lives outside of time, knows us completely, understands what it will take to deliver  different people from the same bondage.  He knows.  We think we do.  If you are His child you must accept that reality whether you like it or not.  That is, you will accept it if you want to become better as opposed to bitter.

2) God will not push Himself on us or our culture. That would be interference.  For the most part, God chooses to work on people's hearts when they have opened themselves to Him.  Yes, sometimes He does miracles that are outside our every day experience.  But I would say the majority of the time, He focuses on the condition of the heart. That would be intervention.  What kind of experience will be necessary in order to ensure that their hard heart will soften?    
What must I allow this person to go through temporarily in order for him to have the best future?  Those are some questions I imagine God would ask Himself if He were to express His thoughts in our limited vocabulary.

Yes, throughout time there have been cultural "things" that we, today, find unacceptable.  But God chose to work in the hearts of the people and let them eventually change the culture when they were ready.   Example:  More than one wife.  Slavery, etc.

I actually know many people that seem to understand that concept.  I'm grateful to call them my friends; they understand the importance of using God as an example when they desire to help people and wisely ask themselves if what they are doing is an...

Intervention or Interference?                  

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