Thursday, February 25, 2010

It Goes Both Ways!

Yes, it's nice to think of all the good ways people have affected us and we can affect others... but to be honest, it goes both ways. We can also have an adverse affect on others, and vice versa. Instead of focusing, however, on the "bad" things that have happened to us...let's look at how we hurt other people. Okay, now, I realize you probably don't want to do that any more than I do. I mean, what about what people have done to me? That's another issue worth talking about. But right now, let's look at ourselves. What have I done to encourage someone? Have I done anything to hurt someone? What type of impact am I having on other peoples lives? Truly, it's worth reflection. Stop and think about it. I'll tell you what I came up with in the next post... Right now, it's time for you to think about how you are affecting others. You are an amazingly important person. People are watching. What are they seeing? What do they feel after being around you? Whether you like it or not, you are truly significant!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

have you ever considered writing a column for a newspaper? :)