Monday, October 4, 2010

Action or Reaction?

A few days ago, we were talking about reaction. I asked you to think about what that might be for you. Some people react by drinking, doing drugs or acting out in some other negative way. For me, I realized my "reaction" took a different form. Repression of my emotions and withdrawal from the world were two of my reactions. For the most part I was not even aware that I was doing that.

So I have a question. As a Christian, aren't I a new creation in Christ? Of course. That doesn't mean that I am no longer affected by sin in this world. We all are, whether we want to believe it or not.

So. Life happens. We react. What next? Well, first we acknowledge that we reacted in the first place and understand what form that reaction took. Hey, if you can do that... you've won half the battle. But what about the other half?

Let's recap. Life happens. We react. We acknowledge that reaction. According to Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr.John Townsend, in their book "Boundaries"... once you have acknowledged that reaction, you are freed up to be pro-active. At last your actions can become positive.

Reactive victims are known for their negative view of themselves and others—they complain that others are against them or have taken away their rights. Proactive people don't demand rights, they live them, but they communicate their needs and desires with love and faith. The ultimate expression of power is love; it is not the ability to express power, but to choose to restrain it.

Your action as a proactive person results in the ability to love others as be able to die to self and not return evil for evil. In this state of mind I no longer live negatively, reacting to life as a victim.

Will it come back? Most likely. But now it is easier for me to identify when I am "reacting". And what do we prefer?

Action or Reaction?

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