Monday, November 22, 2010

And I Thought I Was Alone...

What am I referring to? I'm referring to Christians who "can't find a church". Why? Oh, there are lots of reasons. Perhaps they're looking for a church that will meet all their needs. Or maybe they're tired of "all the hypocrites" and don't want to associate themselves with that group of people anymore. Then there are the people who can't seem to get over the fact that "so and so" (who really should have known better) hurt their feelings...whether it was two weeks ago, two years ago or 20 years ago. You fill in the blanks.

I can relate. Two years ago, when I was experiencing conflicting emotions over this very subject, I came to the realization that I needed to stop looking at people and start looking at God. The fact is, it is highly unlikely that whatever hurt you is encouraged in the Bible. BTW, I'm not talking about people who take things out of context...or throw their own spin on things. I remember, years ago, a pastor told me to be sure to refrain from taking his word as gospel. He reminded me and others that he is just a human being that is susceptible to human error just like anybody to please make sure we run anything he says by what God in the Bible says.

Alas, you will have a difficult time doing that if you don't know your Bible. I'm not talking major theological issues, here. I'm referring to simple things like "Love the Lord your God with all your heart,mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself". God teaches us to be loving, kind, gentle, patient, etc. Chances are, you were hurt by someone who didn't display those characteristics...but since they were "religious" you associated those actions as "church" related - not because it was biblical but because someone in the church acted in a way they may have thought was correct...but it really wasn't. Just run it by what God teaches.

But people are people...and they're everywhere. Churches,work,restaurants,movies...everywhere. And what's more - you are there with them whether you like it or not. Yeah... even you make mistakes. Same here.

And I thought I was alone...

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