Monday, November 8, 2010


You know how, in science fiction, parallel universes are eventually spoken of? Not only have all the various Star Trek series touched on that time and again...but it is also spoken of in popular T.V. shows like "Fringe". Well, you may think something like a parallel universe is limited to fiction...but I think it is a topic that is very relevant to us today. To me and you. All of us.

What ever am I talking about? I'm referring not so much to parallel universes as I am thinking of how many different worlds we live in. Really. For every human being that has or will ever live, there is a unique world that is seen only through the lenses of their own eyes. True, we may make fun of people who "live in their own world". Comedian Brian Regan even has a hilarious routine that includes speaking irritatingly of people whose range of vision is very narrow. What was the name he came up with? Oh..."Excuse me, Captain You-Planet". I laugh every time I hear those words. Perhaps because I know what he is talking about when he is speaking of "those" people.

Unfortunately, all people...whether we like it or not...see the world through their own personalized lens. We are all a bunch of "Captain You Planets" whether we mean to be or not. True, there are varying degrees of lenses. We have:

The Lofty Lens. People who look at the world with their lofty lens certainly mean well. As a matter of fact, they would probably insist that they have a wide-angle lens with which they view the world. They understand that they are not alone in the universe, that there are myriads of people "out there" who all have their own lives and viewpoints. Indeed, many times throughout the day they try to view the world through other peoples eyes. Unfortunately, since they are only human...they will always eventually default back to their own "lens".

The Limited Lens. These people don't even try to look at the world with "another lens". Why? Different reasons. Some are too insecure in their own world to even consider venturing in to a world that would be like "taking on other peoples problems". They're not trying to be insensitive...they're just trying to survive. If they do think about it, they will quickly dismiss the idea as their pragmatic mind tells them that to do so would be useless.

God's Lens. Not much to say here other than to say that God does not have a lens...therefore He is not limited by it.

Even the loftiest lens doesn't compare to the vision that God has for us. Will I continue to look through the lens that is a part of me? Yes. And frankly, to go from a limited lens to a lofty lens is a worthy goal. The fact is, Gods lack of a lens is one reason why He has no limitation when He sees us. A wise person will embrace that reality and allow Him access to his life that is trusting and open. After all, Gods lack of a lens in our lives results in a range of vision that is not limited by...

Captain You Planet

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To "let go and let God" is the loftiest of goals and the easiest to fail to be committed to. We can't see what God sees and we can't see God, so we have to rest in what we know about Him. This would be blind faith if it weren't for God's proven reliability and faithfulness to His word.