Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dilemma Delimitation

What!? Dilemma Delimitation? And what, pray tell, is that? Well, I'll tell you.
1) It's a catchy phrase. Hey, it got your attention didn't it?
2) To delimitate is to mark or prescribe the limits or boundaries of something.

Hence, the title: Dilemma Delimitation. The limitations set on a dilemma. How do you set limits on a dilemma? Well, first acknowledge it, then seek out a solution that will prevent the dilemma from controlling you. How?

For the average American, the solution is sought out vigorously. We hate pain and will do whatever we can to eliminate it from our lives as quickly as possible. We:

1) Make more money and rely on materialism to bring us relief. It works, too. For a while. But only for a while.
2) You have undoubtedly heard the expression: "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything". So, we focus on our health. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, even a healthy person will eventually find life meaningless.
3) Make a name for ourselves. Contribute to society, etc. Again, are you really going to care that somebody put your name on a hospital - when you're dead? Sorry...It isn't my intention to be morbid, but facts are facts. I mean, do you know of anybody in all of history that has not died? I didn't think so. Well, there is one person. He died...but He rose again. His name is Jesus. If you know Him, you will also know that He is the answer to our problems.

Are His solutions quick fixes? Rarely. He uses time, circumstances, experiences and all manner of people, in His solutions that are tailor made for each of His children.

Do we know what those solutions are? Usually not. More often than not we are put in a position where we have to do what the world thinks is ridiculous. We have to have faith and trust in Him to take care of our needs. Faith is key, so God allows situations in our lives that will require our faith to expand. Then, once our faith has turns out that it is very much needed. But God, who lives outside of time, already knew that. That's only one reason why we can trust Him. Because we can trust Him, He is the solution to our...

Dilemma Delimitation.

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