Friday, November 12, 2010


Yesterday, I said that I understood why people embrace the "Preach the Gospel...use words when necessary" a point. But more and more, I am seeing the other side of the equation. Oh, how the pendulum swings, eh? We either have people "living the gospel...but not speaking out" or "speaking out...but not living the way God intended." The "balanced" approach doesn't mean we should sit on the fence. Reminds me of the proverb...He who walks down the middle of the road can be run down by traffic from both sides." I want to take a stand in that regard, but for me it is difficult. But, I know it is not impossible to live a loving life that is a reflection of God and share God's Word...with words. What an idea.

Do I sound harsh when I suggest that we don't "speak out" enough? Hey, it's hard for me to hear as well. But I am willing to look at the possibility that perhaps we have gone too far with our "Preach without Speech" philosophy. I mean, how many people today even know what the gospel is? If you are already a true, believing Christian...that question is a no-brainer. But is it so easily grasped outside your Christian circle? Outside my Christian circle? Or am I too busy trying to be a nice person that I use that as an excuse to refrain from sharing God's Word? "Don't want to offend anybody." "Don't want people to think I am an unloving person." "Don't want to be rejected."
Sigh...yeah, that's me. Typically.

What I am saying is simply that we take the "Preach without Speech" thing too far. That's all. We use it as an excuse to ignore at least 513 commands in the bible that I am aware of that tell us to...preach. Share the Good News of Christ with words.
Now the question is...


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