Friday, November 26, 2010

Which Way is Up?

Why do I believe there is only one way to heaven? Because that is what I see God saying in His Word. Some people view that as judgmental. That's because it is offensive. It is not, however, my judgement to make. It is a judgement made by the end of a persons life and based on a heart that only God knows. I'm grateful He is the one making that judgment...because He knows our hearts so intimately and because His love for us is greater than any love we have ever had for anyone. I know we can't comprehend all of requires a faith in God that says "I believe in You even if I can't understand it all".

Most people I know, regardless of whether they believe in the Bible or not, believe in the spiritual world. Could it be that the spiritual warfare that we know is very deceptive as well? Remember Satan? He was called actually called the Angel of Light. His beauty surpassed that of all the other angels of heaven. Jesus actually refers to him as "The Father of Lies".

I am not some amazing theological scholar by any stretch of the imagination. That is simply what the Bible says. It is not my personal interpretation. Nor has the Bible morphed into a new class of Christianity.

Do I think it's important to speak out when appropriate? Yes. As I mentioned a few articles ago, the "Preach without Speech" thing has gone a bit too far...though I understand the intentions were well-meaning and even understandable. It's important to live the life that reflects the principals of God's Word - but not to the exclusion of sharing His Word. Hopefully you will be sensitive enough to know,however, when it is inappropriate. You know, like, when people specifically ask you not to talk about it.

But don't worry that you are "doing nothing" if you "only" walk the walk and refrain from "talking the talk". The very fact that you don't gossip or you don't swear or you don't have sex outside of marriage,etc. will be "enough" for some people.

Tomorrow I'll tell you a story about darkness that was so pervasive, a person couldn't tell...

Which Way Was Up?!

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