Monday, November 1, 2010

The Intolerant "Tolerant"

I accepted Christ almost 34 years ago. I have not regretted that decision. Do I expect all other people to make the same choice as I did? No, obviously not. People have a will of their own - myself included. It would be arrogant and patronizing of me to assume all people should believe what I believe and think what I think. How ridiculous. How intolerant.

Years ago when people started making an issue of intolerance - I wholeheartedly agreed with them. Sure, there are some things civil people are intolerant of. People are intolerant of what they perceive as immoral murder, for example. However, aside from criminal activity, I certainly would hope people would be tolerant of others. The definition? "In general usage, intolerance is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose beliefs or personal characteristics (race, religion, nationality, etc.),differ from one's own." We are talking about being permissive towards people - even if we disagree with their thinking or actions...and dare I say it? Their beliefs.

I know many people who have different views than I do- whether it be religion, politics or clothing preferences. We get along well. They are tolerant of me and I of them. It truly is not an issue. However, over the years the definition of intolerance (for some people,anyway) seems to be: "Support and full acceptance of my views -irregardless of yours"...and if you don't support and fully condone my views then you are judging me. To be sure, not everybody falls into this category. It is my opinion that those who do are extreme and radical.

I am not nor have I ever been in a place to judge anybody. That is God's jurisdiction. If you don't believe that God exists...then you shouldn't have a problem with this. You can simply feel sorry for me and go on with your life. However, not all people feel that way. Their judgement of me and other Christians is all too clear. Frankly I find that behavior repugnant, disappointing and, yes, intolerant.
The very people who pride themselves in being "tolerant" don't seem to know the meaning of the word. They are, in my estimation...

The Intolerant "Tolerant"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ouch. Sometimes the truth hurts