Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Just A Start

It's amazing how easily we can be duped. Let's see...some of us let our emotional world get the best of us and our resulting actions attest to that fact. Other times we think if something is in "black and white" it is absolute truth. Then, of course, most of us will listen to just about anybody if they sound confident and authoritative. Something or somebody else we tend to put our "trust" in is a person or group of people who have specific degrees behind their name.

All these things are understandable. They probably do have access to information that we might not have. But, you know, even doctors that are reputable disagree with each other. Who can we trust? Who should we listen to?

Reminds me of a story:

A fisherman from the city was out fishing on a lake in a small boat. He noticed another man in a small boat open his tackle box and take out a mirror. Being curious the man rowed over and asked, "What is the mirror for?"
"That's my secret way to catch fish," said the other man. "Shine the mirror on the top of the water. The fish notice the spot of sun on the water above and they swim to the surface. Then I just reach down and net them and pull them into the boat."
"Wow! Does that really work?"
"You bet it does."
"Would you be interested in selling that mirror? I'll give you $30 for it."
"Well, okay."
After the money was transferred, the city fisherman asked, "By the way, how many fish have you caught this week?"
"You're the sixth," he said.

So what is my point? Well...since we can't know for sure if what people tell us is true or not, it is my opinion that it would be wise of us to examine their character. But...

It's just a start.

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