Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pricey but Priceless.

I'll tell you right now. I don't like pain. At all. A couple of days ago, my right knee started hurting non-stop. No, I'm not going to talk about it and complain...but it did remind me of something. Well, first of all I was bummed to have to deal with another "pain". Gettin pretty darn tired of the ole "pain pattern" that seems to be encroaching into my life with steady veracity. Reminds me of a birthday card my brother-in-law gave my husband. The card is hilarious. "Worf" from Star Something, is on the front of the card. He says: "Old Age is Approaching" on the front of the card. Then you open it and he continues: "Apparently you have not chosen to fight".

I love that card.

So what does that have to do with anything? Well, since pain seems to be the order of the day of late, I've been thinking about it a lot. Yeah...I do that pretty frequently. Think. Analyse. (You have to be careful, could make you dizzy). Anyway, I have reminded myself of the good aspect of pain. We all know it can be pricey. Don't think anybody needs any reminders about that. But sometimes we forget why pain exists in the first place. We seem to think of it as something that needs to be banished from our lives as soon as possible.

Well, I love pain relief...but I need to remind myself that aches and pains are there for a reason. They are trying to tell us something. Will we listen to those "maladies" or shut them up without a trial?

Too many times we have a knee-jerk reaction to pain. Instead of asking ourselves what that pain could be trying to tell us...we want to quickly rid ourselves of it. After all, it hurts. Now, I realize I'm not a doctor...though it is my personal opinion that they are highly overrated. A good doctor, however, will identify the reason for the pain and attempt to deal with that issue. He or she will also welcome your input and will not be put off by your questions. They will see the value in listening to you. Doctors like that are hard to find, but not impossible. However, don't sell yourself short. You know your body better than anyone. For example, the only reason I knew that the pain in my knee was possibly due to excess pressure due to quick weight because it has happened to me before. The point is,there is a reason behind things that we sometimes neglect to see...and pain serves as a very helpful reminder to us of the importance of...whatever. I tell you what. Whenever I start to reach for a piece of bread or something that I know is not "helpful"... I feel the pain in my knee and am immediately reminded of the importance of loosing some unwanted weight. All the sudden, that cookie doesn't look as inviting. Pain leads us to healing in the sense that it helps us identify the problem. True, pain is...

Pricey but Priceless

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The truth hurts, sometimes