Friday, January 14, 2011

The Holy Spirit in Action!

Yesterday, I told you I had something up my sleeve.'s still there, but I want to preface what I'm excited to share with you - with something else, first.  You see, what I am about to share had a huge impact on me because of something that happened to me when I was in jail.

What?!*#  Did she say she was in jail?!   Yes, well, I wasn't going to tell you that little detail since I figured it might freak some people out and I could loose credibility in some peoples eyes.  Suffice it to was definitely not a typical experience for me.  Matter of fact, my major in college was Criminal Justice.  My goal was to be a police officer.  Never in a million years would I have pictured myself in jail.  Long story short...  I was actively involved in pro-life work, got involved with Christians in Operation Rescue,  it wasn't appreciated and I found myself eventually sharing a jail cell with one female criminal and a toilet.

I was grateful for the toilet - but more than a little disappointed to discover that my new "room mate" and I didn't speak the same language. There went all my visions of grandeur!  I mean, I had imagined myself to be a female version of the apostle Paul!  I was, after all, standing up for the rights of the unborn! The God-given right to life!   Unfortunately, the language barrier put a major damper on things.  My bubble burst and I finished my time there  considerably more humble than when I entered.

Two days before I got out, I decided...with great reluctance... to go to the "prison chapel".  I was not a happy camper as a guard escorted my lone self to the proper location.  Feeling dejected and foolish, I walked into the designated room for the bible to be studied and was met by the female chaplain.

Guess what?

She recognized me!  The bizarre thing is that she had never seen me before, nor had I ever seen or even heard of her.  But she knew I was a Christian!  When I walked in she came up to me with a twinkle in her eye that partnered with a warm and compassionate smile as she welcomed me with the words, "You're with Operation Rescue, aren't you?"

My jaw dropped and I was speechless for a few seconds.  Finally, I asked her how she knew who I was?

"Oh," she matter-of- factly stated, " every week for the past year, as the bus brings Christians from Operation Rescue to the prison, the Spirit over this entire place becomes noticeably stronger. The bible studies increase in quantity as well as quality!"

I  have no idea what that bible study was about.  All I could think of then and what continues to impact me to this day - almost 25 years later - was the miraculous power and presence of the Holy Spirit. I was witnessing...

The Holy Spirit in Action!


Covnitkepr1 said...

Wouldn't hurt for all Christians to spend a little time in the pokey!!!

I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.

Unknown said...

I love this story mom, such a good testimony =)

Julie said...

What an amazing story. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments. :)

Debbie said...

What a wonderful, wonderful testimony of the Spirit in action! I am humbled to have met you here in blogland, and now I'm REALLY interested in what's up your sleeve.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Shay -

Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a Follower. I've become a Follower here.

Wonderful story! I'm looking forward to getting to know you. :)


Sharon said...

What a wonderful story! I can just picture you with visions of being Paul (I think I might have done that myself, IF I could have overcome the sheer terror of being in jail, that is!!)

But, how wonderful - just LIKE Paul, you weren't alone. The Holy Spirit, the great Comforter, was there.

This was such an encouraging post - Thank you!


Sharon said...

One more thought - I just LOVE all the very interesting, funny, touching stuff to read on your sidebars! Also, I really identify with your humor/analytical nature - I have that also.

I so look forward to following your blog - I know that I will enjoy it all!


Susan Marlene said...

I have a couple of friends that are involved with jail ministry. I love this experience you have shared! I will share your blog with others! Blesings and Joy!