Thursday, December 23, 2010

Complete Compassion

You want me to tell you something that will make you think twice? Something good?
I thought so! We could all use a little encouragement here and there. Okay...maybe a lot. So what am I talking about?

Let me start by asking you a question. Do you tend to feel that Gods love in your life is based on your performance? Isn't it true that you - we all - tend to feel Gods love when we think we deserve it? And, well, when we've had a rotten day and haven't been the "best kid on the block"...we feel God's disapproval?

We spend a good deal of our lives...feeling. Most of our actions and/or reactions are based on them whether we realize it or not. Some people hold in their feelings, but they're still there.

So why am I talking about this?

I just wanted to remind you of something that I needed to be reminded of as well. God loves His children. He has compassion on them. Since He is not confined to the thing we call "time", God is able to look at us ... at the end of our lives. He loves what he sees in you and me. Why? Well, it certainly isn't because of how awesome we are. It is simply because He loves us. Period. He is our Father and has compassion in His heart toward us when He looks at us. Does he still discipline us when necessary? Of course. Are circumstances that threaten to overwhelm us, in His control? Yes. Can He "get rid of them" for us? Yes, if He chooses.

What if He doesn't "choose"? Is it because He doesn't love us any more? No. God's love for us is not based on our actions. So next time you "feel" Gods disapproval - I want you to recognize something important. The disapproval you felt was not a reflection of Gods feelings toward you. It is how you felt about yourself. So take God out of the equation if you are applying it to His love for you.

God cannot love you any more or less than He already does. You can't do anything about that fact. Absolutely nothing. When God looks at us, His heart is filled with...

Complete Compassion

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