Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Anomaly

Many of us have had difficult upbringings. We come from dysfunctional families that have affected us in different ways based on numerous variables.

Unfortunately, most of us fall into that category now-a-days. Of course, there are always exceptions. I remember when coming from a broken family was a departure from society's norm. Today a person is almost considered an anomaly if they were raised in a completely healthy family environment. If you fall into that category, I'm really happy for you. Seriously. But if you don't fall into that niche please don't fret because I've got great news for you!

You are not only not alone, your life dovetails with a group of people that were the ancestors of the greatest person to walk this earth. A person who was actually God in the flesh. We celebrated His birthday a few days ago.

He came from one of the most dysfunctional groups of people I know of. Many of Jesus' ancestors did some pretty scummy things. For instance...

Jacob tricked his father into giving him his brother's birthright.
Rahab was a prostitute.
King David committed adultery then murdered the husband of the woman he had an affair with.

I could go on, but the point is clear. Jesus had both a gnarly family tree and difficult life circumstances to deal with. He was surrounded by people who hated, rejected and despised Him. But as Jesus allowed Himself to be molded into what His Father wanted Him to be, it is my guess that although the outside world He lived in was hostile and pained Him greatly, His inside world was protected.

Our inside world - our emotions - can also be protected and healed as we let God lead, guide and fill us with His Spirit. The healing restoration began when we joined the family of God. A family that many today consider "dysfunctional". Some people may see us as...

The New Anomaly.

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