Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Maximum Impact

Yesterday I told you that someone suggested to me that instead of my placing a lot of focus on how much time I have, I should ask myself..."What am I doing with my time?"

At first I thought, "Hey, that's a good question. What am I doing with my time?" But a few minutes after I posted that thought on this blog, I realized that it could be a very irritating question. I think of all the people, myself included, who are working as hard and as fast as they can just to meet the bare minimum requirements of life. We get very little free time and maybe, just maybe we can actually squeeze in a little downtime.

Then somebody asks us what we are doing with our time? Kinda makes you want to hit someone if you are exhausted from a long day! So what does a person do in those circumstances? Cave in with the discouragement of someone who is spinning their wheels all day to simply pay their bills? What about a meaningful life? Are people like us relegated to futility?

No! You are in a unique position right now! Why? Glad you asked. I remember a book I had a while ago. The title alone says it all. Out of the Saltshaker, Into the World. That's where you and I are everyday. In the world. Whether it is in an office, at a store, at home or driving from one destination to another - whatever it is, we are in the world and we have the opportunity to impact the people in our sphere of influence.

How do we do that? That's up to you to decide, but I do know one thing. We need to let God's love influence whatever action we do take. It may simply be a smile on your face throughout the day. And BTW, if you are on the phone a lot...smile while you're talking. The person on the other end can feel it. Seriously. The point is, somewhere, there is someone you could give an encouraging word to. You would be amazed to discover the influence you can have in peoples lives. Be creative. Whatever you do, let God's love be at the root of it and you will have...

A Maximum Impact!