Friday, March 18, 2011

Access Withheld.

I am so glad you are you. Can you imagine what this world would be like if we were all a bunch of clones? God created us as unique individuals with an enormous variety of giftings and talents.

Not one of us "has it all". That's why we need each other so much.

Unfortunately, part of the population of people are under the misconception that they are unimportant, insignificant or somehow unnecessary. The rest of the populace seems to think they are an island and have chosen, for reasons they can't or don't want to share, to refrain from interacting with the undesirables of this world.


The next generation needs us. They need access to our life experiences. Our successes and our failures.

That may be contrary to our natural tendency to focus on taking care of ourselves and our needs or desires.'s important.

You guys, I have come across so many people that are very different from each other and almost pride themselves in that fact. But honestly, when are we going to stop focusing the majority of our attention on ourselves?

Hey, I have spent way too much focusing on me. I mean, it's important to a degree. Certainly it is understandable.

But we are needed. God wants to use us. He wants to work in us and through us. We make things difficult when we deny people access to ourselves.

Know what else happens when we do that?

We also deny ourselves the ability to grow.

Perhaps certain people simply don't fit into our "comfort zone" we exclude them and deny them access to our very important selves!

It's time to look forward and focus on people outside of us.

Reminds me of driving. When I was learning to drive, I was taught to keep my eyes on the road ahead of me. If I placed too much attention on the car I was sitting in or on off road "sight seeing" I would risk loosing control of my car.

Believe it or not, we loose control of ourselves when our focus is turned inward. In addition to that, we send the clear message to the next generation that says...

Access Withheld.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


"You know something,'re a snob!"

I'm a what?!

Obviously I was more than a little surprised by her blunt statement.

Was she correct in her assessment of me? No. You could have knocked me over with a feather, I was so stunned.

How could she possibly say something like that!?

I spoke with her and discovered she had misinterpreted some actions of mine and made an incorrect assumption based on what she thought was fact. After a short discussion, she acknowledged she had made a mistake and we became friends. End of story.

The point I wanted to make is that many times people - myself included - send the wrong message to others by our actions. Yes, Veronica gave me a message. But I had also given her a message with my body language. It was completely unintentional.

I'm really glad that what happened, however, happened. Why? Because it's a good reminder of just how important our body language is. Sometimes we can be so focused on "things" that must be accomplished, that we don't see the people in the world around us.

What are some things we do that can be easily misinterpreted?

1) Busyness: Have you ever been so caught up in what "needs to be done" that you don't notice anybody around you?

2) Shy? I know. That may be easy for some people, but for others it is excruciatingly difficult to "speak up". But sometimes we have to be willing to work on things that don't come easy to us - and I know that I, for one, am willing to try harder if I think my actions or non-actions could be misconstrued as snobbery.

3) Unwillingness to say no. Lets see. How many of us avoid eye contact with someone because we don't want to be "waylaid" and actually have to say "no" to somebody. Granted, not everybody has that problem...but some people do. For them, saying no is paramount to walking a tightrope across Niagra Falls!

4) Emotional Doldrums: Sometimes I am so consumed with my emotional world that the outside world doesn't seem to exist. Now, I know people have feelings and sorting through those emotions is not fun...but again - it's important to understand that our emotions are not just affecting us. We are potentially hurting others as well. We all need to remember that. If necessary, we should remove ourselves from others for a while if we need to deal with "stuff".

These are a few things that we need to look at - maybe you know more. One thing I know for sure, though, is that if we refuse to look at behaviors that can communicate unwanted messages to others, then we might find ourselves saying...

Me?? A Snob?! Never!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Intention Doesn't Equal Action

Everybody loves a hero. Most of us hope we would fall into the category of putting someone else before ourselves. We mean well. In our minds, our intentions have become actions. Maybe that is why people are so quick to judge other people - but refrain from judging themselves. Perhaps it's because we can't read other peoples minds. We don't know the intentions that they have.

We only know ours.

Problem. Our intentions have not really materialized into action yet. We hope we would respond in a good way. Matter of fact, we assume we will. But we won't know for sure until we are actually put into a situation that requires action.

But the reality - a reality that I don't like - is that the "Bystander Effect", as psychologists call it, affects a much larger portion of the population than we realize.

It can affect us as well.

God was aware of this appalling lack of concern toward others...a long time ago. Remember the story of the "Good Samaritan"?

God loves His children and desires to heal us on all levels. He understands very well that, as good hearted as we may be...

Intention Does Not = Action.

Click the link below to see an example of the...

Bystander Effect

Monday, March 7, 2011

Christian String Theory!

Boy, I tell ya, I just get so excited when I learn something new! For some of you, you may be aware of what I'm going to say. As a matter of fact, I was aware of it...but I hadn't made a connection between what I'm going to say as it relates to the Christian life.

Well, if you've read some earlier posts then you know I'm talking about grafting plants together. I relate it to the vine (Jesus) and (us)
the branch that is being grafted into the vine.

Of course, the first and foremost thing any Christian will want and need to do is:

Read the Bible and Pray - It is the main way you are going to receive nourishment. If you don't read the Bible for yourself on a regular basis, then you won't know when you are being deceived. It's great to listen to special Christian speakers and Preacher/Teachers, but you need to do that in addition to reading the Bible on your own. And don't let prayer scare you. It is a special way to keep your communication with God open at all times.

But there is something else you will want to know!


Did you know that after the branch is grafted into the vine, an important last step is taken to ensure the two stay together?

With the help of a string or a cut rubber band, the two plants are bound together. Since those things hold the cut sides of the pieces together it encourages them to bond together.

So, what does the string represent? How does the rubber band fit into the Christian paradigm?

I would like to share with you some thoughts that I have.

A couple of things come to mind:

1) Both the string and the cut rubber band are temporary.

I feel really fortunate as I look back to the beginning of my walk with Christ. Several pieces of string were immediately wrapped around me, which kept me very close to Christ in the initial grafting in process.

For example, I remember a guy named Tim, challenged me to read the book of Romans...20 times! He usually had people read the book of John several times, but for some reason he felt like he needed to give me the "Romans" challenge. I am very grateful for that.

Did I read it all those times? I did read it 14 times. It was a great jump start! That challenge was temporary, but other things will be so important that you will want to incorporate into the entirety of your new life.

2) Both the string and the cut rubber band are outside sources. They aren't the source of nourishment. Their purpose is to keep our physical selves bound with Christ. Of course the main sealant is the Holy Spirit, but God also uses other things to help us stay close to Him.

Church, Bible Studies, Retreats, Christian Radio, Books, Mission name a few.

As you can see, I could go on and on. General rule of thumb: If it is going to draw you closer to Christ, it is a good outside source.

I call it the...

Christian String Theory!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Am I Willing to Make the Cut?

I can see why people who work with plants, like it so much. There are so many parallels. I love that. Helps me to bring biblical principals to life so that they are more than words. Know what I mean?

There are so many correlations between Christianity and the grafting process.

Did you know that the cutting of both the scion and the rootstock is paramount if actual grafting is going to take place? How does that relate to anything beyond plant life?

How does that relate to Christianity?

Jesus is the "vine" that we "branches" must be grafted into. His "cut" went deep when He died on the cross for us.

And what about our cut? Do we have one? What is it?

In the grafting process, as I mentioned earlier, both the vine and the branch must be cut before they are grafted together. Jesus's cut is represented by His death.

Could it be that our "cut" takes place when we die to ourselves?

That's a possibility. I'd like to hear what you think.

All I know for sure is that cuts from both sources need to exist in order for necessary nutrients to flow from the vine to the branch. I'm no scientist, but commonsense tells me that nutrients from the sap of the vine won't be able to flow into the branch if the branch is not open to receive the new life.

We were open to Christ when we first became Christians. Are we still open to Him?

Speaking for myself, I have to admit that I - more often than I would care to admit - take for granted that Jesus loves me and even died that I might live.

But am I willing to die to myself, so that Christ can live freely through me?

Am I willing to make the cut?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life Transfusion ...

You may or may not have heard of the verses in the Bible:

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." Gal.2:20

"I am the vine; you are the branches..." John 15:5

In other words, we are grafted into Christ. Christ is not grafted into us.

Think about it.

Hey, I'll admit that in my life...more often than not, I want Christ to be grafted into my life. I don't want to be grafted into His. I know. It sounds awful.

It's also really stupid if you take two seconds to think about it.

I mean, the reason I asked Christ into my life in the first place was because I recognized just how desolate and pathetic I was. When Jesus came in and became the central focus of my life; transformation was generated. Healing began. Changes took place from the inside out.

I was grafted into his life.

But somewhere along the way a subtle shift took place. Slowly, I took the reigns back - not completely, but practically speaking my actions were the reflection of someone who was grafting Jesus into their life instead of choosing to be grafted into Jesus.

Let that thought sink in and ask yourself if you've done the same thing.

Something tells me I'm not alone.

The good news is that I don't want that to be the case. And, technically, it isn't. Jesus never left me or gave up on me. That's just not the way He works. He keeps His promises.

But I do know that over time I began to take on the actions of a person who isn't taking the grafting process very seriously. Why is that so important?

There are many elements to grafting that are important, but the first thing to be aware of is why grafting is necessary in the first place. What does it accomplish? If you are a farmer or work with plants, you already know this.

There is nutritious sap in the vine, for example, that...when grafted together with a branch will provide a special nourishment that is essential for the newly grafted in branch to grow.

The same life which flows through the vine also flows into the branches.

When we are grafted into the vine or Jesus, His life flows into us.

I call it a ...

Life Transfusion...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Uneasy Faith?

The other day, my husband asked a thought provoking question.

The question?

Is faith really faith if there is no rest?

I like it when people say things that start the wheels turning in my mind. I know it got me to thinking anyway. Yes, there are always exceptions...but in general I think our ability to feel at peace in a situation is a definite indication that our faith is

I mean, yes, there have been times in my life that - by faith - I did something that I really believe was of God, but I never-the-less felt like I was stepping onto an invisible bridge that was the only way I could cross a treacherous chasm. Was my heart pounding in my ears? Yes. Was it beating a million times a minute? Yes. I said, there will undoubtedly be exceptions.

But I think if we are honest, we would have to conclude that - in general - the more mature our faith is...the more we will be able to use "rest" and "peacefulness" as barometers of our faith.

I don't know about you, but I find that thought very helpful. A barometer. Hmmmm...

We talk about how strong God is. We speak of His sovereign power. His love is perfect. I could go on with so many incredible attributes of God. But guess what?

If I really truly believe all those things about God, if it is firmly planted in my mind and heart, if I completely embrace who He is...then yes, I will rest in my faith.

How could I not? I have entrusted myself, my life, my circumstances...everything to God. If He is who I say He is...then why should I worry? Think about it. Is it really possible to have an...

Uneasy faith?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What if we Threw Out Christianity?!

I'm serious. Is Christianity really all that important? If you were to take out the eternal salvation aspect and the comfort at funerals of Christians, etc. What would this world be like without Christianity? Would people be relieved? Just how significant is Christianity to people in our nation? People who aren't Christians as well as most people who say they are.

What if we threw out Christianity?

Jiang Zemin is the former leader of Communist China. Former Time correspondent, David Aikman interviewed the retiring head of state in Communist China in 2002 and asked what Zemin wished for in regard to China’s future. Zemin's response shocked Aikman, and much of the world, when he replied:

“I would like for my country to become a Christian nation.” (Aikman, David. “A Report on Christianity in China: A Conversation With David Aikman.” Speech at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, September 26, 2002.)

When asked “Why?” Zemin’s response was an amazing revelation. He explained how a panel of Chinese scholars had spent twenty years studying why China continually lagged behind the West in science, industry, and culture.

“One of the things we were asked to do was look into what accounted for the success, in fact, the pre-eminence of the West all over the world. We studied everything we could from the historical, political, economic, and cultural perspective. At first, we thought it was because of a more powerful military. Then we thought it was because you had the best political system. Next we focused on your economic systems. But in the past 20 years we have realized that the heart of your culture is your religion: Christianity. This is why the West is powerful. The Christian moral foundation of the social and cultural life was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics. We don’t have any doubt about this.” (Quoted from Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Changing the Global Balance of Power, by David Aikman.)


There is nothing like an "objective observer" to help us see the significance of something, is there? It isn't really so unusual to do that. For example, my husband appreciates it when I encourage him...but part of him thinks I only say good things because I have to. That's not correct thinking - but it is normal to assume something like that. So when somebody says something encouraging, and that somebody isn't me, some ways it has a bigger impact on him. That is true of most people.

When I read about the Chinese actually spending 20 years researching the reason for the power and strength of the west, I was amazed. But the conclusion they came to was the most amazing eye opener to me.

What would happen if we threw out Christianity?

What do you think?

Monday, February 14, 2011

We Can Do It !

I loved learning and sharing with you, what it means to be a "Do It Church"...instead of just going to church. We learned some practical examples of how we can identify and reach out to those around us.

Obviously, as with anything, the motive behind what we do is always something we need to check. I encourage people to be a part of the "Do It Church".

But what if you, realistically, are simply not in a position to "do" anything outside of your normal schedule? If you are like many people, your life is already so crammed you feel like you're on overload! You would love to do things for people outside of your hectic schedule. For that matter, you would like to do almost anything outside of the same old rat race that threatens to consume you!

We are all in different places in our lives...and that's okay. It's better than okay. It's excellent!

It is sooooo easy, as human beings, to do things with the wrong motive. We mean well...and God, thankfully, knows it. It's just that, more often than we would like, we "compartmentalize" God.

Even though there is no way God will ever fit into a box, we try to cram Him in anyway!

There is certainly nothing wrong with going to Church, Bible study, Prayer meetings, etc. But it is so very easy for us to take God with us to those locations and leave Him there.

The good news is that just because it is easy to fall into that trap...doesn't mean we have to stay there! We can be bold for Christ right now! Hey, we should be that way anyway! At home, on the job, when we are at the store or doing errands.

So if you are bemoaning the fact that you can't do anything, stop and re-adjust your thinking!
You are exactly where God wants you! He can work in you and through you right every circumstance you find yourself in. That's exciting!

Ask yourself:

Who is the boldest Christian you know?

Why is it easier to practice "safe" Christianity?

Do you find there are times when it is just easier to say nothing at all?

Are there any situations where you could be bolder in taking advantage of existing opportunities?

In what situations could you be bolder in creating new opportunities?

This is a message I put on the "Sunday View" post...but it's worth repeating. Watch it when you have some time. Click on the "Big and Bold" link, just below. It will be time well spent!

Big and Bold

We Can Do It!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just Okay...

Sigh...Some people are amazing writers. I admire the way they so clearly communicate what they want to say. Alas, I am not a writer. Not a "real" one.

Reminds me of singing. I love to sing. Can even hold a tune. Harmony comes fairly easily to me. But I'm not a "Singer". I don't have amazing vocals, hence...a soloist I am not.

I'm an "okay" singer. I'm an "okay" writer. Everything I do seems to be "okay" at best. Hence, the sigh at the beginning of this "okay" blog post.

Do you ever feel like that? You don't want to whine or complain...but everything seems to fall into the mediocre category?

The problem with dwelling on those thoughts is that I am focusing on what I can't do and allowing the lie that Satan wants me to believe, to enter my thinking. The lie that says that because I can't do certain things as well as other people means I am nothing but an "okay" person.

As much as I hate to admit it... I choose to think that of my own accord. Nobody twisted my arm in torture as they forced that statement from my lips. No. I do it all by my little self!

You know what good things I do have in abundance?

I have a big heart.
I try hard.
I am persistent.

None of those things will gain me any accolades. It is unlikely that I will derive a six figure income with a big heart. But it is what God gave me. He gives all His children something special. It may not be what your neighbor has, or what seems to abound in your friends.

Yes, I admit that many times I wish I were more than mediocre at certain things. But I have a question for you. Do you ever wish that you were really good at something, but instead you are...

Just okay?