Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pricey but Priceless.

I'll tell you right now. I don't like pain. At all. A couple of days ago, my right knee started hurting non-stop. No, I'm not going to talk about it and complain...but it did remind me of something. Well, first of all I was bummed to have to deal with another "pain". Gettin pretty darn tired of the ole "pain pattern" that seems to be encroaching into my life with steady veracity. Reminds me of a birthday card my brother-in-law gave my husband. The card is hilarious. "Worf" from Star Something, is on the front of the card. He says: "Old Age is Approaching" on the front of the card. Then you open it and he continues: "Apparently you have not chosen to fight".

I love that card.

So what does that have to do with anything? Well, since pain seems to be the order of the day of late, I've been thinking about it a lot. Yeah...I do that pretty frequently. Think. Analyse. (You have to be careful, could make you dizzy). Anyway, I have reminded myself of the good aspect of pain. We all know it can be pricey. Don't think anybody needs any reminders about that. But sometimes we forget why pain exists in the first place. We seem to think of it as something that needs to be banished from our lives as soon as possible.

Well, I love pain relief...but I need to remind myself that aches and pains are there for a reason. They are trying to tell us something. Will we listen to those "maladies" or shut them up without a trial?

Too many times we have a knee-jerk reaction to pain. Instead of asking ourselves what that pain could be trying to tell us...we want to quickly rid ourselves of it. After all, it hurts. Now, I realize I'm not a doctor...though it is my personal opinion that they are highly overrated. A good doctor, however, will identify the reason for the pain and attempt to deal with that issue. He or she will also welcome your input and will not be put off by your questions. They will see the value in listening to you. Doctors like that are hard to find, but not impossible. However, don't sell yourself short. You know your body better than anyone. For example, the only reason I knew that the pain in my knee was possibly due to excess pressure due to quick weight because it has happened to me before. The point is,there is a reason behind things that we sometimes neglect to see...and pain serves as a very helpful reminder to us of the importance of...whatever. I tell you what. Whenever I start to reach for a piece of bread or something that I know is not "helpful"... I feel the pain in my knee and am immediately reminded of the importance of loosing some unwanted weight. All the sudden, that cookie doesn't look as inviting. Pain leads us to healing in the sense that it helps us identify the problem. True, pain is...

Pricey but Priceless

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Turn Your Life Down... It's Too Loud!

How can a persons life be too loud? You probably have some ideas of your own and I would love to hear it, after all... "there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors". But as for me - what do I think of when I think of a life that is so loud it needs to be turned down? Hhmmm...let me think.

Tick, tock, tick,tock...

Okay, I'm back. The word that keeps popping into my head is "distractions". A loud life doesn't necessarily equal the volume control on your music station. Distractions take countless forms. I'll tell you what my distractions are. You can comment on yours. I'm thinking that whatever takes your mind off God is a distraction. Are all distractions bad? No, I sure don't think so. Hey... I gotta eat, and I rather enjoy it I might add. It certainly is not a negative experience- unless of course, you are a kid whose mother is forcing you to eat beets that you can't stand the smell of. But for the most part, eating is a good thing. Lots of things are good. However, when you have so much on your plate that you can't keep your priorities straight or you have so much to do that you don't even have time for a quick's time to do some re-evaluating.

But I digress. I was going to tell you at least one distraction that I am aware of in my life. It is so loud I can't hear God's voice. Nobody can see, therefore it is unlikely they would guess it was a problem.

So, what is it? I lie. Not to others. I'm squeaky clean when it comes to telling the truth to people other than "yours truly". My problem is that I lie to myself all the time. Quietly, so nobody can disagree with me. I tell myself things like, "I'm worthless. If I were to die today, nobody would even a matter of fact, they would be better off. I'm ugly. The job I have doesn't pay much because I am worth so little. I'll never amount to anything". The list of lies I listen to on a daily basis is loud. Very loud...and I need to turn it down. For that matter, I need to turn it off completely. Aahh... so much easier said than done.

Some things need to be turned off, other things simply need to be turned down. When we recognize that and quiet our lives, we will have the opportunity to hear God better. The Bible says, "Be still and know that I am God".

Ask yourself...

Is It Time to Turn My Life Down...Could It Be Too Loud?

Monday, November 8, 2010


You know how, in science fiction, parallel universes are eventually spoken of? Not only have all the various Star Trek series touched on that time and again...but it is also spoken of in popular T.V. shows like "Fringe". Well, you may think something like a parallel universe is limited to fiction...but I think it is a topic that is very relevant to us today. To me and you. All of us.

What ever am I talking about? I'm referring not so much to parallel universes as I am thinking of how many different worlds we live in. Really. For every human being that has or will ever live, there is a unique world that is seen only through the lenses of their own eyes. True, we may make fun of people who "live in their own world". Comedian Brian Regan even has a hilarious routine that includes speaking irritatingly of people whose range of vision is very narrow. What was the name he came up with? Oh..."Excuse me, Captain You-Planet". I laugh every time I hear those words. Perhaps because I know what he is talking about when he is speaking of "those" people.

Unfortunately, all people...whether we like it or not...see the world through their own personalized lens. We are all a bunch of "Captain You Planets" whether we mean to be or not. True, there are varying degrees of lenses. We have:

The Lofty Lens. People who look at the world with their lofty lens certainly mean well. As a matter of fact, they would probably insist that they have a wide-angle lens with which they view the world. They understand that they are not alone in the universe, that there are myriads of people "out there" who all have their own lives and viewpoints. Indeed, many times throughout the day they try to view the world through other peoples eyes. Unfortunately, since they are only human...they will always eventually default back to their own "lens".

The Limited Lens. These people don't even try to look at the world with "another lens". Why? Different reasons. Some are too insecure in their own world to even consider venturing in to a world that would be like "taking on other peoples problems". They're not trying to be insensitive...they're just trying to survive. If they do think about it, they will quickly dismiss the idea as their pragmatic mind tells them that to do so would be useless.

God's Lens. Not much to say here other than to say that God does not have a lens...therefore He is not limited by it.

Even the loftiest lens doesn't compare to the vision that God has for us. Will I continue to look through the lens that is a part of me? Yes. And frankly, to go from a limited lens to a lofty lens is a worthy goal. The fact is, Gods lack of a lens is one reason why He has no limitation when He sees us. A wise person will embrace that reality and allow Him access to his life that is trusting and open. After all, Gods lack of a lens in our lives results in a range of vision that is not limited by...

Captain You Planet

Saturday, November 6, 2010


A vacationing family drives along in their car, windows rolled down, enjoying the warm summer breeze of the sunny day. All of a sudden a big black bee darts in the window and starts buzzing around inside the car.
A little girl, highly allergic to bee stings, cringes in the back seat. If she is stung, she could die within an hour. "Oh, Daddy," she squeals in terror. "It's a bee! It's going to sting me!"
The father pulls the car over to a stop, and reaches back to try to catch the bee. Buzzing around towards him, the bee bumps against the front windshield where the father traps it in his fist.
Holding it in his closed hand, the father waits for the inevitable sting. The bee stings the father's hand and in pain, the father lets go of the bee.
The bee is loose in the car again. The little girl again panics, "Daddy, it's going to sting me!" The father gently says, "No honey, he's not going to sting you now. Look at my hand."
1 Cor 15:55 -- "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" Jesus says to us, "Look at my hands." He has Satan's sting, the sting of death, the sting of sin, the sting of deceit, the sting of feeling worthless. Jesus has all of those stingers in His hands.
When you see that nail-scarred hand, realize that, on your behalf, Jesus took all the pain that Satan could throw at Him. He reduced Satan to a big black bee that's lost its stinger - all Satan can do is buzz. That's the victory that Jesus won for you! The key is that you take hold of that victory - if Satan can deceive you into thinking it isn't there - you'll live like it isn't!

Author Unknown

Friday, November 5, 2010

Intervention -vs- Interference

This morning I was thinking about God and how He sometimes intervenes...but other times He remains strangely silent.  I say strange, because oftentimes we don't understand why God allows some things but intervenes in other instances.  Have you ever wondered that?  I have.

So I thought and I prayed.  Sometimes I get answers, or at least partial answers.  Other times I get silence.  Today was a "partial answer" day.  I say partial because how can I know all of God's reasonings?  But one thought I had was based on the question... "Why is it that God allowed certain things in cultures throughout time that are abhorrent to us today"?

When I have questions like that, I tell myself  "I may not understand now...for that matter I may not ever understand - but I do know that God is loving, knows all things past and present, lives outside of time, wants our best, and is at the same time a righteous God who hates sin and will not tolerate it."    Only God can have all those attributes and more and somehow work them all together for our good.  That brings us back to the question, "Why does God intervene sometimes and not other times?"


1) God allows things or finds it necessary to intervene if it is what He understands is best.  I emphasize He Like it or not, God lives outside of time, knows us completely, understands what it will take to deliver  different people from the same bondage.  He knows.  We think we do.  If you are His child you must accept that reality whether you like it or not.  That is, you will accept it if you want to become better as opposed to bitter.

2) God will not push Himself on us or our culture. That would be interference.  For the most part, God chooses to work on people's hearts when they have opened themselves to Him.  Yes, sometimes He does miracles that are outside our every day experience.  But I would say the majority of the time, He focuses on the condition of the heart. That would be intervention.  What kind of experience will be necessary in order to ensure that their hard heart will soften?    
What must I allow this person to go through temporarily in order for him to have the best future?  Those are some questions I imagine God would ask Himself if He were to express His thoughts in our limited vocabulary.

Yes, throughout time there have been cultural "things" that we, today, find unacceptable.  But God chose to work in the hearts of the people and let them eventually change the culture when they were ready.   Example:  More than one wife.  Slavery, etc.

I actually know many people that seem to understand that concept.  I'm grateful to call them my friends; they understand the importance of using God as an example when they desire to help people and wisely ask themselves if what they are doing is an...

Intervention or Interference?                  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Spoils Your Soil?

I was listening to Miles McPherson the other day. He was talking about some trees he planted several years ago. They were all the same type of tree. Same size. All planted the same day on the same property. All of them grew underneath the same sun. They experienced the same amount of water. Same. Same. Same. But wait! Now, all these years later we discover that they are all different sizes? Why?!

I'll tell you. The soil. Yes, they were planted on the same property...but the soil varied from the front yard to the back yard as well as the side of the house. The only thing these trees did not have in common was the soil.

So what is it about soil that is conducive to growth? Maybe an easier question to answer is, "What is it about soil that inhibits growth? Well, one thing is if it is rocky. It is difficult for a plant to take root in those circumstances, since there is no depth of rich soil with needed nutrients. Thorns are another problem. Thorns and weeds. They choke the plant. Definitely not helpful. Those are just a couple of "inhibitors".

What about you and me? How have we grown? Are we like spiritual babies in an adult body? Are there things in our lives that prevent us from "taking root"? Could we be allowing certain things in our lives to "choke out" the Word of God? Ask yourself...

What Spoils Your Soil?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dilemma Delimitation

What!? Dilemma Delimitation? And what, pray tell, is that? Well, I'll tell you.
1) It's a catchy phrase. Hey, it got your attention didn't it?
2) To delimitate is to mark or prescribe the limits or boundaries of something.

Hence, the title: Dilemma Delimitation. The limitations set on a dilemma. How do you set limits on a dilemma? Well, first acknowledge it, then seek out a solution that will prevent the dilemma from controlling you. How?

For the average American, the solution is sought out vigorously. We hate pain and will do whatever we can to eliminate it from our lives as quickly as possible. We:

1) Make more money and rely on materialism to bring us relief. It works, too. For a while. But only for a while.
2) You have undoubtedly heard the expression: "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything". So, we focus on our health. Nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, even a healthy person will eventually find life meaningless.
3) Make a name for ourselves. Contribute to society, etc. Again, are you really going to care that somebody put your name on a hospital - when you're dead? Sorry...It isn't my intention to be morbid, but facts are facts. I mean, do you know of anybody in all of history that has not died? I didn't think so. Well, there is one person. He died...but He rose again. His name is Jesus. If you know Him, you will also know that He is the answer to our problems.

Are His solutions quick fixes? Rarely. He uses time, circumstances, experiences and all manner of people, in His solutions that are tailor made for each of His children.

Do we know what those solutions are? Usually not. More often than not we are put in a position where we have to do what the world thinks is ridiculous. We have to have faith and trust in Him to take care of our needs. Faith is key, so God allows situations in our lives that will require our faith to expand. Then, once our faith has turns out that it is very much needed. But God, who lives outside of time, already knew that. That's only one reason why we can trust Him. Because we can trust Him, He is the solution to our...

Dilemma Delimitation.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dangerous Dilemma

When you think about it...since when is a dilemma not dangerous? Yes, there are various degrees of "dilemanation" - I'll grant cha that captain! So, hey, do you like my new word? Either changing meanings of existing words or coming up with new ones altogether is apparently all the rage these days. Dilemanation: Noun or verb. 1) The condition or state of being in a in, "Their dilemantion was a result of the dilemma they found themselves in.
2) The overwhelming dilemmas experienced in this country result in a "Dilemmanation". 3) verb: the act of causing a dilemma. "The dilemmantion of the country was deliberate.

Okay, okay... I had my silly fun for the day. But on the serious side. (Sometimes I hate that side) Anyway. I just thought I'd share with you the dangerous dilemma I find myself in. Well, here goes.

I'm overwhelmed by so much. My frozen shoulder can now be referred to as my frozen in both arms. I can't even get relief when I go to sleep at night. The mild case of poison oak has not gotten better. No, it's worse. Now I itch all over. It hurts to simply sit, because my neck is in pain. Hey I didn't say I was the pain in my neck...simply that I have a pain in my neck and it is non-stop. What else? Oh, I have been betrayed by many people. I won't say more on that. More? I don't want to bore you with more. But it is there. Believe me.

The point I want to make is that, speaking for myself, it is good to be vulnerable - but it is dangerous to live vulnerably. What I mean is that being vulnerable is good...but where do you draw the line between being vulnerable and being a victim? We'll talk about that in a future post. But for now, I want to acknowledge that when we are vulnerable it lets other people know they aren't alone...and that's a good thing. But it isn't an answer to any problem. What is? Tomorrow, we will talk about the solution to the...

Dangerous Dilemma

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Intolerant "Tolerant"

I accepted Christ almost 34 years ago. I have not regretted that decision. Do I expect all other people to make the same choice as I did? No, obviously not. People have a will of their own - myself included. It would be arrogant and patronizing of me to assume all people should believe what I believe and think what I think. How ridiculous. How intolerant.

Years ago when people started making an issue of intolerance - I wholeheartedly agreed with them. Sure, there are some things civil people are intolerant of. People are intolerant of what they perceive as immoral murder, for example. However, aside from criminal activity, I certainly would hope people would be tolerant of others. The definition? "In general usage, intolerance is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose beliefs or personal characteristics (race, religion, nationality, etc.),differ from one's own." We are talking about being permissive towards people - even if we disagree with their thinking or actions...and dare I say it? Their beliefs.

I know many people who have different views than I do- whether it be religion, politics or clothing preferences. We get along well. They are tolerant of me and I of them. It truly is not an issue. However, over the years the definition of intolerance (for some people,anyway) seems to be: "Support and full acceptance of my views -irregardless of yours"...and if you don't support and fully condone my views then you are judging me. To be sure, not everybody falls into this category. It is my opinion that those who do are extreme and radical.

I am not nor have I ever been in a place to judge anybody. That is God's jurisdiction. If you don't believe that God exists...then you shouldn't have a problem with this. You can simply feel sorry for me and go on with your life. However, not all people feel that way. Their judgement of me and other Christians is all too clear. Frankly I find that behavior repugnant, disappointing and, yes, intolerant.
The very people who pride themselves in being "tolerant" don't seem to know the meaning of the word. They are, in my estimation...

The Intolerant "Tolerant"